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The Kardashians S01E02 720p WEB h264-KOGi EZTV

Episode Breakdown
The Kardashians
The Kardashians TV Show S01E02

Season: 1
Episode: 2
Air Date: 21 April, 2022
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Added 2 years ago by eztv (verified).
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Stats generated @ 17:50 on 15th Oct 2024
Torrent Info
Torrent File: The.Kardashians.S01E02.720p.WEB.h264-KOGi[eztv.re].mkv
Torrent Hash: 80894F0D9AFB5C42A85FE00BE0456F6F57AF3212
Filesize: 936 MB
Released: 21st Apr 2022

File Format: MKV (Matroska)
Resolution: 1280x720 px
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Alternate Releases S L
The Kardashians S01E02 1080p WEB H264-SPAMnEGGS 2 0
The Kardashians S01E02 480p x264-mSD 1 0
The Kardashians S01E02 XviD-AFG 1 0
The Kardashians S01E02 720p HEVC x265-MeGusta 5 0
The Kardashians S01E02 1080p HEVC x265-MeGusta 2 0
The Kardashians S01E02 MULTi 1080p WEB H264-PREZ 0 1

The Kardashians S01E02 - Did Somebody Tape That?


As Kim rehearses for her Saturday Night Live hosting debut, her past continues to haunt her. Khloé deals with her ongoing anxiety and the scrutiny of being in the public eye. Meanwhile, things with Kourtney and Travis Barker are getting more serious.

The Kardashians S01E02 720p WEB h264-KOGi EZTV
The Kardashians S1E2 Screenshot
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title: Did Somebody Tape That?
source: hulu.com
size: 936.3 MiB
runtime: 00:46:11.102
resolution: 1280 x 720
bitrate: 2,834 kb/s
audio: E-AC-3 @ 256 kb/s (5.1) / English
subs: English, Spanish
url: https://www.tvmaze.com/shows/59888/the-kardashians
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