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All Star Shore S01E09 1080p WEB h264-KOGi EZTV

Episode Breakdown
All Star Shore
All Star Shore TV Show S01E09

Season: 1
Episode: 9
Air Date: 17 August, 2022
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Added 2 years ago by eztv (verified).
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Stats generated @ 06:00 on 5th Oct 2024
Torrent Info
Torrent File: All.Star.Shore.S01E09.1080p.WEB.h264-KOGi[eztv.re].mkv
Torrent Hash: 4F2E01A9E49856C0E27159815C8F911BDD9D9764
Filesize: 2.81 GB
Released: 17th Aug 2022

File Format: MKV (Matroska)
Resolution: 1920x1080 px
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Alternate Releases S L
All Star Shore S01E09 720p WEB h264-KOGi 0 2
All Star Shore S01E09 XviD-AFG 0 0
All Star Shore S01E09 480p x264-mSD 0 0
All Star Shore S01E09 720p HEVC x265-MeGusta 0 1
All Star Shore S01E09 1080p HEVC x265-MeGusta 0 1

All Star Shore S01E09 - A, B, C You Later


Everyone is mad at Joey and Chloe again, and the tension is high at the villa. An intense exile game exiles one player to the hospital, and Blake learns that no good deed goes unpunished. Meanwhile, one shoremate decides to call it quits so the villa gets a new roommate. And Bethan and Johnny have a serious talk about geography...and their future.

All Star Shore S01E09 1080p WEB h264-KOGi EZTV
All Star Shore S1E9 Screenshot
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title: A, B, C You Later
source: amazon.com
size: 2.8 GiB
runtime: 00:43:27.066
resolution: 1920 x 1080
bitrate: 9,243 kb/s
audio: E-AC-3 @ 224 kb/s (2.0) / English
subs: English (SDH)
url: https://www.tvmaze.com/shows/62376/all-star-shore
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