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Killer Cases S03E12 1080p WEB h264-KOGi EZTV

Episode Breakdown
Killer Cases
Killer Cases TV Show S03E12

Season: 3
Episode: 12
Air Date: 17 December, 2022
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Added 2 years ago by eztv (verified).
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Stats generated @ 18:30 on 7th Feb 2025
Torrent Info
Torrent File: Killer.Cases.S03E12.1080p.WEB.h264-KOGi[eztv.re].mkv
Torrent Hash: 71F452D671E644180F95A515793E28FB6167E908
Filesize: 1.39 GB
Released: 18th Dec 2022

File Format: MKV (Matroska)
Resolution: 1920x1080 px
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Alternate Releases S L
Killer Cases S03E12 XviD-AFG 0 0
Killer Cases S03E12 1080p HEVC x265-MeGusta 0 0

Killer Cases S03E12 - Murder At Ohio State


When Ohio State senior Reagan Tokes failed to respond to messages from her parents, they feared the worst. Their nightmare became a reality when a 911 caller reported the discovery of a female body in the local park. She had been shot execution style. Knowing a brutal killer was on the loose, detectives raced to solve the crime, gathering surveillance video and photos that tracked Reagan's last moments. Brian Golsby, a previously convicted sex offender, was arrested. Golsby confessed to abducting Tokes, admitting he forced her to withdraw money from ATM accounts, but he adamantly denied killing her, insisting an accomplice he called "TJ" committed the murder. At trial Golsby continued to maintain his innocence; but even his highly regarded defense team couldn't produce TJ.

Killer Cases S03E12 1080p WEB h264-KOGi EZTV
Killer Cases S3E12 Screenshot
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title: Murder at Ohio State
source: hulu.com
size: 1.4 GiB
runtime: 00:43:06.517
resolution: 1920 x 1080
bitrate: 4,621 kb/s
audio: AAC @ 64.0 kb/s (2.0) / English
subs: English
url: https://www.tvmaze.com/shows/52268/killer-cases
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