Kafka, who was parasitized by a mysterious small monster and transformed into a monster himself, escaped from the hospital with Reno, fearing that he would be defeated by the defense forces. At that time, he discovers a father and son being attacked by a monster. Kafka, who confronts the monster without regard for danger, wields his fists with all his might.
Kaiju No. 8 S1E2 Screenshot
Show: Kaiju No. 8
Title: The Kaiju Who Defeats Kaiju
Season: 1
Episode: 2
Size: 1436M
Files: 10F
Date: 2024-04-20
Duration: 23 min 40 s
Source: Web
Encoding: H264
Bitrate: 8 123 kb/s
Audio Format: AAC (AAC)
Audio Rate: 128 kb/s @ 2 channels
Audio Lang: Japanese
Sub count: 9
Subtitles: English / Arabic / Spanish / French / German / Italian / Spanish / Portuguese / Russian https://www.tvmaze.com/shows/73362/kaiju-no-8