The Sympathizer S01E06 - The Oriental Mode of Destruction
Convinced that the General's plan is doomed to fail, the Captain makes it his mission to trace the General's funding and ingratiates himself with the Congressman. His desperation grows as he searches for ways to expose the military operation and to achieve his ultimate goal: to save Bon.
The Sympathizer S1E6 Screenshot
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Release date: 21/05/2024
>> VIDEO <<
Video Codec: H264
Bitrate: 9 122 kb/s
Resolution: 1920x960
Duration: 52 min 55 s
Framerate: 23.976 FPS
Size: 3.85 GiB
Package: 42 x 100mo
>> AUDIO <<
Audio: French E-AC3 5.1 @ 640 kb/s
English E-AC3 5.1 @ 640 kb/s