A regular day in the life of the technical producer, Arthur Melberg, turns into a hell of a day after a mysterious power outage. Star journalist Strandberg enlists the help of Arthur to get to the bottom of it. All of that would have been well and fine; the only problem is that Arthur has a date. And, as to not arouse any suspicion, the date must go on as planned.
STHLM Blackout S1E1 Screenshot
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Release date: 14/07/2024
>> VIDEO <<
Video Codec: H264
Bitrate: 9 264 kb/s
Resolution: 1920x800
Duration: 31 min 27 s
Framerate: 25 FPS
Size: 2.46 GiB
Package: 27 x 100mo
>> AUDIO <<
Audio: French E-AC3 5.1 @ 640 kb/s
Swedish E-AC3 5.1 @ 640 kb/s
English E-AC3 5.1 @ 640 kb/s