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   It's our birthday! (oh no, not again!)



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jackfree Posted at 16/05/2008, 18:09
happy birthday #eztv!!
and thanks from italy/suisse
seinfeld Posted at 19/05/2008, 14:55
awesome thanks for sticking around, i know i can a pretty big whinger at times
when i dont get that family guy episode , but we got through it, and we are
both happy, and so are the millions that use your service.

i can only just hope that networks and tv shows start recognizing the top
notch 100% accurate, ontime service that you offer, and somehow make a deal,
so you guys can earn some greenbacks, keep the networks happy, and avoid some

would you say that is ezytv's goal now is to go legit so to speak?
i mean how can you stay afloat like this, and i dont want to jinx you but i
never hear of you guys ever being sued, investigated, mpaa spammed, nothing
why is that? you cant just say luck, because your one of the biggest tv sites
around, how does one dance around on the tightrope so to speak?

i really hope a ezy tv rep reads this, i by no means am trying to make
trouble, start roumours nothing.
i trully wish you a happy birthday, but also curiosity is also getting to me:)

happy b'day guys
.Admin. Posted at 21/05/2008, 03:52
i would like to say that without eztv i wouldnt have had the chance to see many
of my favourite shows here in australia eg. rescue me, smallville, and
underbelly (live in vic), as we are way behind the times. so i would to say a
deep thank you, and happy birthday! :d

also i feel kinda guilty about just taking so many of favourite shows for free
so if theres anyway way that we the ppl can help the site out, let us know!
LSydell Posted at 02/06/2008, 17:46
hi eztv,
i'm a correspondent with national public radio and i just returned from a
reporting trip in china. one of the stories that i'm doing is about the
popularity of american television programs now that they can be downloaded over
the internet. lost is one of the most popular of all the programs. while there i
met with fans and the people who actually write subtitles and post them. they
get the programs online and usually are able to find them and do the
translations shortly after the latest program airs. i'm wondering if you might
be able to find someone in the us who does the uploading of lost to the
internet. i'm hoping that my story will trace the whole process from the
uploader in the us to the fan in china. anonymity guaranteed for anyone who
helps me out.
if you think you can be of help email me at: [email protected]

and here's my bio page at npr.


laura sydell
digital culture correspondent
national public radio
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 02/06/2008, 22:52
if you are looking for someone in the scene, good luck! the chances of one of
them ever exposing themselves to their process will not occur anytime soon.

all we can offer is what we do, which is fairly straight forward.
Divina Posted at 30/08/2008, 09:24
happy birthday! i remember when i just started downloading torrents here and
this site has developed really well since then!
SuburbanSteve Posted at 04/08/2009, 16:49
happy birthday guys and wishing you lots more
whamilt99 Posted at 27/08/2009, 23:14
happy birthday from canada! you guys rock!!
FlyingDutchman Posted at 28/08/2009, 07:27
thank you eztv for providing a great service and bringing top quality torrents. the tv
landscape in the netherlands is lousy with all kinds of crap tv shows. nowadays i hardly watch
tv anymore and rely on eztv to fill my tv needs.

thanks again!

frans (flying dutchman)
jerex Posted at 29/08/2009, 00:11
i am new to being registered and have no idea where to post this sorta thing, so here goes, hoping
that is gets passed along to the appropriate people:

the site is still indicating that burn notice and in plain sight are airing weekly. they are not,
both will be back in the winter.

i just saw a preview for the new season of burn notice, it talked about all this important plot
stuff that i had no clue about... turns out there was a final 9th episode that aired but is not
showing up here on the site. now if it does not exist, so be it, but my guess is it does and getting
a link to it just got over looked. whoever handles that might want to look into it.

by in large, this is an amazing site, i went from watching zero tv (because of commercials and time
commitments) to hours and hours per week thanks to the freedom this site provides. i cannot thank
you enough. i am about to get even busier for a few years and will be offline for the most part. i
am hoping the site is still around to help me catch back up. good work, here is to your continued

bobbyo Posted at 31/08/2009, 02:04
happy birthday my brothers! cheers for what you do and may you continue to be #1 for years to come.
lunaran Posted at 01/09/2009, 16:27
happy birthday.... from along time user first time poster.......

cheers from new zealand
hamad1409 Posted at 08/10/2009, 13:46
i am happy to join with you (:
ERadical Posted at 20/10/2009, 02:29
happy b-day

this is my favorite site.. you guyz are awesome.. cuz i hate friggin comercials. and i will always seed
like mad here..

razvitm Posted at 27/11/2009, 04:39
hope you outlive thepiratebay and mininova
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