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Tazman25911 Posted at 04/10/2009, 20:35
hi novaking,
i tried downloading the new series of desperate housewives and late found it to be only an audio
file, why do people do this? i also found some of the links do not work.
sCifI3001 Posted at 05/10/2009, 03:08
Quote by tazman25911
hi novaking,
i tried downloading the new series of desperate housewives and late found it to be only an audio
file, why do people do this? i also found some of the links do not work.

get real codecs... or use vlc
Gofergold Posted at 09/10/2009, 20:33
been using the site for years now i am stuck at home with an illness and want to know what i can do to
help the site. seeding or whatever else a desperate househusband can do. my uncles used to yell at
me that i was the smartest dummy they ever new. at first it bothered me but they were saying that
because i was an a student with a 160+ iq but didnt know squat about land scaping or mowing the
lawn as i liked to call it. so what i am saying is i dont know much about the inner workings of the
computer world but i sure learn fast when told what and how to do. willing to help in anyway. feel i
owe back because without this site i would have gone insane. i really cant tell you how hard it is to get
through a day watching oprah and more than 2 episodes of jerry springer. not gonna lie. i like a
couple in a row. so if you need or want help please let me know and i will be glad to do what i can.
[email protected]
Leroy1990 Posted at 10/10/2009, 09:29
now that the website is back on track. i have made a account and i wanna say thank you so much
really. i'am from belgium and i love so many shows here. novaking your the best.
mandingo Posted at 12/10/2009, 03:08
glad to see you back. i love your site. thanks for all the hard work. will the ratings show again
after the site's been up and running for a while?
ThePrince Posted at 12/10/2009, 17:55
hey love the site but i really need the search engine plz im new to this so plz help me out and sort it
thanks many thanks
Posted at 07/02/2023, 16:49
fuck you asshole
Posted at 07/02/2023, 16:59
eat shit and die, polesmoker. You gaylord motherfucker.
Posted at 07/02/2023, 18:39
No you are an orphan
Posted at 08/02/2023, 12:38
Hey Granddad, did ya change yer full stinking nappy yet?
Posted at 08/02/2023, 16:54
hey gang!

sorry about the huge downtime... a lot of things decided to all happen at once. but we decided to
try and take advantage of this and give the website a revamp. you may not notice a lot has changed,
but structure wise it is a lot more powerful and can expand to do a lot more things.

you may also noticed that by reading this that the forums are now operational again. i'm hoping it's
in a condition now that people can communicate with each other better and we can administer easier.
and for you people that love smilies, we have added a whole list for you to play with.

new download mirrors!
we now submit our releases to more torrent sites, most recently we now submit to torrage which is a
torrent cache service. this mirror list will grow some more over time. we also now provide you with
magnet links, if you have a compatible torrent client that accepts magnet uri's then you can easily
download the torrent from other peers on the network, this helps when any possible hosting services
are down.

episode synopsis
this is a new thing. we hope it will be useful to people. now you can find out more information
about each specific episode that is released. it will show tracker statistics, a preview screenshot
of the episode, and any alternate releases that may be availble (ie: 720p, repack, proper, etc)
this is still in alpha stages and more features will be added to it over time.

i know i'm sure there is more things i should probably be discussing about, but i'm rather tired
after working on all these things for you guys. so just enjoy the new service and i hope nothing
breaks. there may be things here and there that may not be 100% complete. but be confident that i will
get to them as soon as i can.

oldoldman2 Posted at 21/02/2023, 18:52
Get the following on all Das, and astonishingly slow speed.

"steve jobs has cursed this opentracker with ligma, press F to pay respects."
oldoldman2 Posted at 21/02/2023, 18:54
I should add, other sites not connected to EZTV, are fine.

Keep up the good work.
rabbit48 Posted at 02/11/2023, 14:34
Great to have you back
WGAF Posted at 02/11/2023, 14:58
Welcome Back EZTV....you were GREATLY missed.

Today is a better day with EZTV.
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