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[#7904] Written by: realjjj [11/12/2006, 11:02]
Quote by santabj
i believe that the plan, should we go through with it, is to stop
doing hr
of "insignificant" shows - meaning we'll scratch those that have the worst dl
numbers, basically. and then we'll do 720p of the top shows (lost, sg's,
heroes...) and hr's of those and maybe a couple more, we'll see. don't worry
about the regular 350mb releases! they're still the most popular, so they'll
definately stay

canceling some hr's would suck for a lot of ppl if u start doing a show in hr
keep doing it until the season ends.
besides there are a lot of cons when it comes to 720p atm
-the need for a good comp
-harder to play em on tv
-more space on the hdd/dvd
sure some ppl are very enthusiastic about 720p but the fact remains that the dl
#s are 2-3 times lower for 720p then hr's on private trackers and most likely
here there are more ppl with limited/low bw or older comps than on private trackers.
it's too soon for 720p and if eztv would have the resources to do 720p without
canceling anything else it would be ok but canceling some hr's ( i presume hr's
for gilmore girls,studio 60,veronica mars,the unit,the oc,csi will be canceled
since they are the ones with the lower dl #s) will dissapoint a lot more ppl.
[#7947] Written by: frog1234 [11/12/2006, 17:28]
many of you who think your computers can't cope with 720p will find that you
just need the nvidia pure video decoder (and other decoders) installed and
properly configured, for those on windows (other than vista) there is a good
bundle codec replay pack thing, i lost the link but made a decentralized magnet
link for azureus users: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:65md2zbgncstjqplnvkuooavvju4ys34
try the magnet link a few times. (will get easier once a few people grab it, and
please seed)

some parts of the above pack can work with vista, but you might need to do some
more stuff to get it working smoothly.

btw despite the fact that using the nvidia decoder means that my radeon won't do
any acceleration, i have no dropped frames, my videocard is a 9700tx.

[#7956] Written by: josh [11/12/2006, 19:13]
purevideo is no good for folks like myself who only have a crappy integrated

i'm buying a new pc in a month or two that should be able to view it fine, but
i don't think there is a snowballs chance in hell i'll be able to get it
watchable on my 2.2ghz celeron with an integrated intel extreme something or
[#7958] Written by: frog1234 [11/12/2006, 19:25]
try it, as i said with the nvidia decoder it's not using harware (gfx card)
acceleration anyway, so you never know.
[#7973] Written by: smokeonit [11/12/2006, 21:00]
i'm a retard.
[#8111] Written by: stdr [12/12/2006, 13:29]
i also prefer 720p releases to hr. being able to actually see patterns on the
wall in the background of a scene is really great.

playing 720p h264 isn\'t so hard, if you use coreavc.
ffdshow is also quite capable but needs slightly more power.

with windvd+purevideo cpu usage drops down to about 10 to 15%. but it looks a
bit jumpy (hard to notice) on my 6600gt. so i stay with coreavc. maybe it\'s
just my old windows installation or windvd, because other people can use
purevideo for h264 with graphic chips slower than my 6600gt.
[#8165] Written by: Xec [12/12/2006, 16:59]
well heres some screen captures i did to try and show the difference in quality.
these were done using heroes s01e09 @ 00:01.08. links contain no videos, audios,
viruses or illegal files just 3 pictures hosted on image shack.

heroes 624*352p (350mb) image capture:

heroes 960*544p (700mb) image capture:

heroes 1280*720p (1.1gb) image capture:

it'd be really great if a mod could review this and allow the links for others
to see, thx!

[#8181] Written by: Supersye [12/12/2006, 18:38]
yeh i see the difference it is better.
but the 720 is a lager file (not that botherd about that much) but it all adds
but the main thing for me is i can't get the h264 codec to work on my pc.
like other people has said before as time moves on and internet speeds go up.
people also will be getting new pcs that can play them in the future, as i am.
but for now i think they should stay with the hr hdtv versions of the shows.
as in the past they have done a (350) meg version of shows i hope they will
keep doing the (350) megs they are not bad quality and take no time to download
and seed back.

i love hd too. its just a bit much for my pc + internet connection just now.

bye for now (si)(uk)

[#8191] Written by: Xec [12/12/2006, 19:56]
the 350mb will always remain ^_^
[#8293] Written by: realdiamond [13/12/2006, 07:37]
the 720p are already out there, but on semi private trackers, if you know where
to look, but like hr they currently seem random and the odd episode doesnt get
released its the same "scene groups" that cap the hr or should i say downscale
to a hr release.
but i cant play their versions of 720p h264 packed in mkv, that envelope and
only that envelope does take to much,( no its my cpu to slow for h264 and mkv
together ) put 720p h264 in another envelope and it runs fine.
if eztv have decided that they want 720 on the site, just hope they get more
deadicated seeders/boxes purely for starting the 720 torrents and not remove
seeders from the 350mb files.
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