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TVFrk Posted at 20/01/2010, 03:03
thank god you're back. so happy i won't have to d/l rar's posted by those other guys.
NoicaniculA Posted at 20/01/2010, 08:34
welcome back and i am happy eztv is back but i do have one question
there is a show i usually download being human i got the first chapter of second season
last saturday it was suppose to air the second one i had been looking for it but cant find
it anywhere and in the show list page are only the ones from the first season so are you
going to eventually put the other episodes or it is impossible?? thanks
jameskirl Posted at 20/01/2010, 16:52
welcome back from all in ireland. love the site.
Typhoid Mary Posted at 20/01/2010, 21:40
welcome back!

for being human: i am sure we will eventually see it here but i see that bia doesnt have it up
either (the 1st ep of the 2nd series came from them)...

anyway, http://www.uknova.com . sign up. they have it. well worth it, though the sites a bit wonky
(they remove all torrents if they are going to be made into dvd etc...).
NoicaniculA Posted at 21/01/2010, 11:41
thanks a lot and thanks cuz for my surprise i entered today and there was the second
episode already posted in the page thanks
Zhengyi Posted at 21/01/2010, 23:25
can someone please upload the missing fringe and heroes shows we are missing while site was down?
would really appreciate it or a link to some where else to get them.
i can not seem to find them for some reason.
fjehoel Posted at 22/01/2010, 03:23

Jason_Bright_54 Posted at 22/01/2010, 11:48
like one person said earlier, thanks for your work that you do to give without receiving.

you make a lot of us happy in the morning here in france seeing we have some new episodes all
downloaded on our computers ready to watch xd

thanks again
hamrx8 Posted at 23/01/2010, 04:47
on break, returns: 2010-02-03 a day ahead.
when a program is on a break knowing this information is great and so so useful to know.
however the actual day shown is very often and consistently the day before. for instance currently
greys anatomy and private practice are on a break this coming week and returning the following. the
date shown is feb 3rd which is actually wednesday but the shows dont air untill thursday the 4th. i
notice this error all the time. please dont take this as a complaint just thaught it worth mentioning.

thanks for a fantastic service.
TehDude Posted at 23/01/2010, 08:28
i don't want to sound offensive here since i know your running a heck of a web site but i've run larger ones and i think
some improvement would help everyone. this is what i would do if you called me and said "we need a new site online
next week..."
1) create a static.eztv.it image (vm image or zpne or container or distro package set).
2) create proxy.eztv.it (also an imaged thing)
3) create backend.eztv.it (which mirrors the site as it is now)
4) you create a submit.eztv.it for those who can change stuff on the main site.
static would be lighttpd and proxy would be an apache like proxy forward thing.
on static, there is a job that ever minute grabs http://backend.eztv.it/index.php and saves it as index.html and the same
for other highly hit pages. other pages would have their links changed to proxy.eztv.it.
you point "www.eztv.it" ; to static.eztv.it and since its only doing simple webcopy/wget/ftp or whatever you can have one
or two or 3000 of these as they are only an extra a record in the dns. you could even multicast them all over the world
like some of the root dns servers if you wanted.
throw up the static image to people and let anyone in the world run a mirror.eztv.it and you have a very robust system.

submit and backend are the only ones that can talk to the database directly. static only looks at it once a minute and
proxy throttles its request so it won't overload things. submit talks to two or more different database servers so that
when it all falls apart or gets raided, its no big deal.
of course i would change all the names of backend, proxy, submit and the database server so they aren't likely to be
found in a scan.

NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 24/01/2010, 03:45
Quote by tehdude
i don't want to sound offensive here since i know your running a heck of a web site
but i've run larger ones and i think
some improvement would help everyone. this is what i would do if you called me and said "we need a
new site online
next week..."
1) create a static.eztv.it image (vm image or zpne or container or distro package set).
2) create proxy.eztv.it (also an imaged thing)
3) create backend.eztv.it (which mirrors the site as it is now)
4) you create a submit.eztv.it for those who can change stuff on the main site.
static would be lighttpd and proxy would be an apache like proxy forward thing.
on static, there is a job that ever minute grabs http://backend.eztv.it/index.php and saves it as
index.html and the same
for other highly hit pages. other pages would have their links changed to proxy.eztv.it.
you point "www.eztv.it" ; to static.eztv.it and since its only doing simple webcopy/wget/ftp or
whatever you can have one
or two or 3000 of these as they are only an extra a record in the dns. you could even multicast
them all over the world
like some of the root dns servers if you wanted.
throw up the static image to people and let anyone in the world run a mirror.eztv.it and you have a
very robust system.

submit and backend are the only ones that can talk to the database directly. static only looks at
it once a minute and
proxy throttles its request so it won't overload things. submit talks to two or more different
database servers so that
when it all falls apart or gets raided, its no big deal.
of course i would change all the names of backend, proxy, submit and the database server so they
aren't likely to be
found in a scan.

hehe, sorry this post made me laugh.

i am very interested to know of these larger websites you run, and how you make it run so well with
that setup you proposed. such a setup would not work on a dynamic website, sorry to inform you of this.

if you had read any of some of my other posts, you would know i recently purchased 10 additional
servers to help support eztv. this is a hobby for me, i can't dedicate 100% of my time on this site,
i actually have a full time job and support this site with my own income. so i do apologise if the
site goes down, if i had it my way and i was a millionaire, i would conveniently buy 500+ servers
and load balance everything in multiple countries so that there is no physical way for the site to
ever go down. but unfortunately we live in the real world where i am not rich and i improve the site
in slower increments.

the current structure for this site has been thought out to suit the hardware we currently have, i
just added another server today to help with load and re-enable some features (like show searching).
we also use a combination of memcached, varnishd, mysql clustering. such a method is better
preferred to the solution you offered above.

again i do apologise for when we get downtime, i would rather we never have any form of downtime and
offer everyone a quality service. also sorry for making an example of you, but you should try to
know of our situation before you decide to give your input into the matter.

to everyone else, i will say this....

all hail the iron fish

Xirix Posted at 24/01/2010, 11:39
hey novaking, silly question but when the backlogs are done will they just suddenly appear in the
gap between 9th of january onwards? or will they be put on the main page or something?

just want to know where i should be compulsively looking out for them.
solitaire Posted at 24/01/2010, 20:24
hey novaking

i don't mind the downtime! just so long as the site keeps running. ^_^ lol!

many thinks for this site...^__^
hamrx8 Posted at 24/01/2010, 22:19
ha novaking
your site is fabulous and of all the other torrent download sites on the net yours is the best especially in
that it is dedicated to tv. the news, show list and my page plus all the other features are so so helpful
in keeping informed and scheduling downloads. the fact that you do all this funded out of your own
recourses while also having a family life is simply amazing. so yes i am sure all we dedicated users
understand a disruption or two along the way, these are the consequences of the technically driven
world we live in.
thank you so much for the service you provide. :-)
backward_z Posted at 24/01/2010, 23:12
posting this here'll probably result in my ass on the end of a pitchfork, but here goes:

is eztv no longer carrying the daily show? there haven't been any for weeks and now it's been
dropped from the "airs today" list on the mainpage.
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