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fostrotil Posted at 05/02/2010, 01:33
hi! when the tvshow man.vs.wild s06e12 will be uploaded? because nowhere can be found on the net :s
thx for your answer
itch2008 Posted at 07/02/2010, 05:47
hi there o holy novaking!!! missed you heaps!h hope you enjoyed your hol's! loving your work!
may i recommend the uk's shameless be added to your list of excellence?
and why are there so many whingers in these sites of gifts? what do you want for free?! the king led
us all to gold when our usual path was broken...and you still complain! may i reccomend you all be
grateful or jus f right off!
thank youthank youthankyou oh mighty novaking xoxoxox
dakota1 Posted at 09/02/2010, 06:58
novaking, i appreciate all your efforts with the web site. it is awesome.
thank you from the usa.
windyhill Posted at 12/02/2010, 16:16
i would like to post that "us" aussies are now the people that hold and uphold the "right of the

go aussie, go!!!!!!!!
Caffee Posted at 14/02/2010, 09:16
what is wrong with the last 2 epsiodes of harpers island, and how come some episodes are missing
from various series (i.e. epsiode 12 from csi: miami)
TheZombiePirateLeChuck Posted at 25/02/2010, 11:01
first off novaking, your a legend!
this be one of my most frequently visited websites.

just one quick question for you, i have noticed that some shows don't seem to get added to the "show
list"...namely "human target 2010" & "spartacus, blood and sand". any idea whats going on with that? :0
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 26/02/2010, 08:23
adding shows, images, descriptions is a manual process done by myself.. i have been exceptionally
overloaded with work. so i will try and update everything as soon as i physically can.
cdalum Posted at 28/02/2010, 06:24
could someone please tell me how to get 24 series 8 episodes 1 and 2 and as i cannot find them here!
thanks :-)
TheZombiePirateLeChuck Posted at 01/03/2010, 03:45
Quote by novaking
adding shows, images, descriptions is a manual process done by myself.. i have been
overloaded with work. so i will try and update everything as soon as i physically can.

wasn't giving out dude...just querying
i have no problem with the waiting

p.s. thanks for adding them by the by
disneydreams Posted at 24/03/2010, 05:33
welcome back hope you had a great vacation.
spockers Posted at 02/04/2010, 23:35
welcome back. i'm posting here because all the other threads seem to be ancient. since registrations
are closed, is there any kind of invitation code system?
harp Posted at 05/04/2010, 09:45
hi, the rss is not showing al episodes, f.e.

rezen Posted at 13/04/2010, 18:44
hi. i am not all in to the internet but i would like to help u guys seed if someone would explane to
mehow aand what it is. i have a 20 as a my connection so that should do it
chivalion Posted at 14/04/2010, 18:43
i have a couple of episodes of fringe 2nd season that aren
damon Posted at 22/04/2010, 13:43
hi new here, great site, many thanks to the admins. nice to just be able to download programmes, no
longer feel dictated to by the tv channels. plus i am getting to see some great shows i would probably
never see in the uk. thanks again
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