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   NiGGeR? A bad word?



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[#130611] Written by: banders [22/03/2010, 07:31]
the ancient romans, whose icons adorn many a white supremacist room, used to wear animal ball-sacks
on their necks, foreheads, and various other parts of their bodies.

i know it doesn't help to change the minds of men who have no minds to begin with, but i thought the
rest of you would appreciate the image in your mind of white supremacists wearing "authentic ancient
roman animal ball-sacks" on their bodies while they are declaring this action to be the act of
complete idiots. ;-)

as for the silly points by der fuhrer:

1) nigger is a bad word. many black people don't like it either, and when a black person uses it to
describe a fellow black person, they are not using it as a term of praise. "niggardly" has no
relation whatsoever to "nigger" in definition, meaning, or etymology. complain about people
attacking "niggardly", you'll get more sympathy.

2) white colonialism created most of the problems in africa. if america had been occupied by
superior non-white forces for hundreds of years, the same claims would now be being made about
"white people tending to apply for welfare."

3) black people in america have been suppressed for generations. first by slavery, then by jim
crow, and finally by the war on drugs, the last of which picks the group least likely to be involved
in drug crimes, the black people, and puts most of that population in prison, where they lose the
right to vote and thus get disenfranchised. and disenfranchised people are stuck living with the
handouts of the rest of society (ask a native american). white people put black people into a
position of weakness, then tried to claim the black people put themselves there. idiots.

white supremacist propaganda diverts so dramatically from real history and real statistics its a
wonder they convert any intelligent people whatsoever.
[#130612] Written by: banders [22/03/2010, 07:33]
the white supremacist racists come out in droves to post on the "tv news" forum during the night
hours of eztv.it, because they know darn well there's no administrator handy to delete their
messages of hate.
[#130614] Written by: phish73 [22/03/2010, 07:48]
this is why i have almost completely moved to private trackers like bitme and freshon, there are no
real consequences here for acting like an idiot. oh and its much faster and more anonymous.
[#130615] Written by: cybeRRunner [22/03/2010, 08:10]
are you insane? "chill"??? are you out of your mind?!

and what the heck does it have to do with "10 things i hate about you"??

i can tell you one thing i hate about you, filthy racist ignorant scum...
[#130618] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [22/03/2010, 08:30]
boys and girls, yes trolls like these are annoying, and we try to clean them up as soon as we see
them. but it is much easier if you simply ignore them and stop baiting them, they thrive on
attention, so if you simply stop giving it to them they quickly get bored.

now, i can make this all go away easily by removing all user contributed content, which means no
forums, no tv news. or you can understand that this is not a full time job for us, and we can only
do what we can within our limits of time.

for the few who prefer private trackers, please stay there then if you find this place revolting,
it's clearly obvious we are of no use to you as private trackers offer everything in the world.

either way, i am working on some things which will make this sort of stuff less likely to occur.
just be patient as i can't dedicate 100% of my time to this site so i do what i can when i can
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