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[#131393] Written by: mudricky [03/04/2010, 09:02]
Quote by lumpoco
"alias and lost are essentially the same show."

it just seems to be you mate with those opinions.

you don't seem to like those type of shows so you shouldn't comment.

away back to watching american idol.
[#131394] Written by: mudricky [03/04/2010, 09:03]

[#131395] Written by: mudricky [03/04/2010, 09:06]
Quote by cthulhusaves
articles like this, and the last one a few days back, really just piss me the hell off.
it's certainly possible, if they're given the chance.

spot on cthulhusave
[#131423] Written by: CthulhuSaves [03/04/2010, 17:05]
[#131424] Written by: bevis [03/04/2010, 17:24]
Quote by cthulhusaves
i like to think of it this way. lost started out strong, and then turned into a steaming pile of crap
cranked out by two guys who think it's funny to string everyone along on the premise that the show's a complicated
mystery, only to reveal that they themselves haven't got a clue what's gonna happen farther than three eps out.

bzzzzt. you are also disqualified for a complete loss of credibility right there. practice what you preach. if you don't
watch or understand a show, don't comment on it. the above quote shows that you don't actually know a thing about
lost. i was on-side with what you were saying about ff until i got to this bit. the difference between us is i won't be
commenting on one show by tearing down another by comparison. lost is brilliant, and since the hiatus, ff is showing
great signs of storyline intrigue.

people who think the writers of these shows are "making it up as they go along" just because they didn't see a plot twist
coming really don't understand the medium at all. and they need to come up with a new thought for once. what do
you think these writers do all day? they plot out the show and prepare it for upcoming events! to think otherwise is to
show what a complete failure you are at ... like ... thinkin' an' stuff.

warning - spoilers for episode 13 in the next paragraph. skip it if you haven't watched that episode

if they proved they had it all planned out from the beginning by showing you everything at the time, there'd be no ability
to keep viewers watching with suspense, twists, revelations and progression! viewers would have dropped off a lot
sooner and more angrily if we knew the identity of suspect zero from episode one, or if the fact that considerable
flashforwards (which is what i believe is the premise at work at the end of episode 13, not time travel) had happened in

spoilers end.

i for one like my storytelling to take shape and challenge my understanding of events and characters and motivations
within a show. this is a fantasy-drama, not a sitcom. we don't get a two-sentence synopsis of each character's goals and
intentions that will remain true for every episode despite the events they live through. allegiances change, twists and
secret dealings are revealed, and circumstances impact upon mood and behaviour. if that wasn't the case, not even 5
million people would watch it.

one other thing: it's a bit ludicrous in theory for a site that's based on ripping tv networks off and preventing them from
building their legitimate viewing figures to bemoan when a show rates poorly and looks like getting cancelled. don't
pretend we're not all part of the problem. if you really cared about the show, you'd stop downloading it and start
watching it when it airs to increase the ratings figures and keeping it alive. i'm not saying i do any differently; i'm just
saying you should stop whinging about low ratings getting shows cancelled when torrent sites are a main contributor to
those rating numbers.

[#131506] Written by: Mike. [05/04/2010, 03:28]
Quote by bevis
one other thing: it's a bit ludicrous in theory for a site that's based on ripping tv networks off
and preventing them from
building their legitimate viewing figures to bemoan when a show rates poorly and looks like getting
cancelled. don't
pretend we're not all part of the problem. if you really cared about the show, you'd stop
downloading it and start
watching it when it airs to increase the ratings figures and keeping it alive. i'm not saying i do
any differently; i'm just
saying you should stop whinging about low ratings getting shows cancelled when torrent sites are a
main contributor to
those rating numbers.

oh you, trolling about the ethics of downloading on a torrent site. how original. why were you here
in the first place.

1. for ratings only people with nilsen boxes count.

you don't have a nilsen box ? => you are meaningless to them.

2. ratings drop because people with nilsen boxes stop watching it.

someone who would have never been counted can download till the end of time and not matter. exactly
the same with watching it on tv. you don't matter.
[#131515] Written by: JeanLucPicard [05/04/2010, 08:26]
the biggest mistake was made right at the start ... announcing flashforward as the next big thing
after lost while it is - in fact - more like a predecessor to the dead zone with a global approach
instead of having a single protagonist dealing with the fate of world ...

lost has a huge fanbase with an entirely different composition ... on the one hand, there are lots
of girls that are attracted to lost just because the actor playing sawyer used to be a davidoff
model and because there is some kind of romance involved. these very same girls will then watch
greys anatomy and private practice along with american idol because they all want to be famous and

on the other hand, there are those that like lost for its story twists and countless mysteries.
these people used to watch shows like x-files and might be interested in fringe or flashforward.
imo, these viewers are the minority which is the reason flashforward fails.

flashforward itself started off the wrong way, too ... having a story framework that points towards
a dedicated day in the current year puts limits on the writer`s fantasies and basically limits
everything that can be done with the show in upcoming seasons. it would therefore take a hell of
good storywriting to produce a second season of flashforward.
[#131525] Written by: Mike. [05/04/2010, 13:14]
Quote by jeanlucpicard

on the other hand, there are those that like lost for its story twists and countless mysteries.
these people used to watch shows like x-files and might be interested in fringe or flashforward.
imo, these viewers are the minority which is the reason flashforward fails.

even at that they failed. i was looking to see something relevant to the plot and they give me "oh
noes, i'm going to cheat on my husband" bs and some "i'm going all emo because of my booze addiction".
dammit writers, the whole world passed out and had visions of the future and you feed me this c**p
? come on. the fact that the main character (stupidly) allowed himself to be duped by a *convicted*
nazi didn't help either. also "nazi" - horribly cliche. that's when i stopped watching.

basically they alienated all the different viewer types by trying to be everything and failing.
also marketing themselves as the next lost was another shot in the foot. by making this bold claim
they created huge expectations and when they failed to deliver people just quit. i felt lied to.
[#131547] Written by: bevis [06/04/2010, 05:38]
Quote by mike.
Quote by bevis
one other thing: it's a bit ludicrous in theory for a site that's based on ripping tv networks off
and preventing them from
building their legitimate viewing figures to bemoan when a show rates poorly and looks like getting
cancelled. don't
pretend we're not all part of the problem. if you really cared about the show, you'd stop
downloading it and start
watching it when it airs to increase the ratings figures and keeping it alive. i'm not saying i do
any differently; i'm just
saying you should stop whinging about low ratings getting shows cancelled when torrent sites are a
main contributor to
those rating numbers.

oh you, trolling about the ethics of downloading on a torrent site. how original. why were you here
in the first place.

1. for ratings only people with nilsen boxes count.

you don't have a nilsen box ? => you are meaningless to them.

2. ratings drop because people with nilsen boxes stop watching it.

someone who would have never been counted can download till the end of time and not matter. exactly
the same with watching it on tv. you don't matter.

*rolls eyes*

i specifically stated - and you even quoted me - that i wasn't claiming to be doing anything differently. and i'm not
trolling. i also said 'in theory' in the opening sentence of the section you quoted from me.

if that's the way the ratings system works in america, then it needs a massive re-work. what a stupid method that's rife
for failure. why has it not been replaced by something that gives the networks a better understanding of what people are
actually watching??!?

[#131676] Written by: JeanLucPicard [08/04/2010, 12:10]
Quote by bevis

why has it not been replaced by something that gives the networks a better understanding of what
people are actually watching??!?

because any system of that kind is doomed to fail ... simple as that.

the sad thing is that looking at torrent stats is a far more accurate way to determine a show's
potential and viewer numbers.

all that networks would have to do is to a) get serious server capacity and to b) make their
episodes available to registered and validated (age-wise, that is) viewers as decent-quality
downloads that can be played back on standalone devices like media hdd/lan players, the 360 and ps3
... believe me, they would be able to even leave commercials in it and most downloaders would not
even mind to cut these out.

that way, numbers of completed downloads could be statistically analysed alongside with nielsen
results. nielsen results could then be used to create an overlay of the important demographic
distribution among viewers onto the download numbers or use the registration data. that way,
advertising companies would get accurate readings for their oh-so-beloved target groups.

oh, and you would have to see to it that no kiddies can get their hands on something not rated for
their age ... register with your age, validate your age and you are set (additionally, you will need
to take care of securing personal information, too).

punchline is ... learn from those who embrace the internet and beat those torrent site operators at
their very own game instead of filing hilarious lawsuits.

maybe i'm thinking just too much next-generation here, but then again, around 2002 almost no one
dared to think thought about music download services having huge success like we see with amazon mp3
or itunes store today.
[#132958] Written by: pepsi666 [27/04/2010, 14:46]
nothing new about that, a lot of shows that are really good get canecelled, it seems par for the couirse
for any us series
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