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   EZTV turns 5!



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t22snow Posted at 26/05/2014, 18:59
hope you have many more. (happy birthday)
JoPedro Posted at 02/07/2014, 01:23
thanks muxh, eztv!
qooqel Posted at 02/09/2014, 11:19
first of all, thank you guys for great efforts , and happy birth day , sorry for saying it late:)
DanteDanteDante Posted at 30/01/2015, 02:57
Thank you EZTV and BoonesFerry for all your hard work. By the way, why is boonesferry banned?
fknawsm Posted at 20/05/2015, 00:02
Sorry to bring up an old post, but did EZTV make 10 years last week and nothing was mentioned on the forums???

With all that has been going on over last couple of years with the website / server issues etc, I understand that it may have
been a low key event.

Anyways, thanks Novaking and all the other admins over the past 9+ years for me.
MarkNoonan Posted at 04/02/2017, 23:55
Your site is Legendary, just sayin.
Mamal Posted at 08/10/2017, 16:11
The only thing this site is missing is the chance to store favourite shows. Like you can do at this episodecalendar site.
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