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killer1h Posted at 15/01/2012, 00:30
please tell everyone to vote to stop sopa it effects this site and all the rest on the internet, its
very important that you get that message out there before theres no internet left on which to get
the message out on, thank you!
tvfanatic Posted at 15/01/2012, 07:14
i watched a lot of tv shows. i think you should have a panel of judges, from 19, 30, 40, 50, and 60.
with a man and a woman each. they are not to know each other and everything said is private. they
are to watch 2 episode each of all new shows that in out there before putting them on the tv.it
would save you a lot of money and in the long run, the writers would try to come up with something
good, like "the vampire series",switched at birth", "the good wife" my favorite and "dexter"there is
a lot more that i like but to long to write them all down. the new show "work it' i knew right away
it would not last. i have a 90% average on who is to make it or not. am 59 years old so i have had
quite a few years of experience with tv.of course this in only my opinion and meant no insult to
anyone out there who does not think like me. have a good day, tvfanatic
DogStar2000 Posted at 15/01/2012, 17:32
this thread is over a year old and no word on when the change is happening of if its still happening
at all.
Shujin Posted at 21/01/2012, 23:20
so i whipped up a new eztv design, hopefully novaking gets back to me!
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 22/01/2012, 01:00
Quote by shujin
so i whipped up a new eztv design, hopefully novaking gets back to me!

your wish is granted?
lb247 Posted at 22/01/2012, 12:02
is it possible to have a download link for all eztv.it torrents?
i would like to build up my collection of series!

also i have 100mbps internet (10mbps) and would like to start properly seeding :-)
stinkypete Posted at 04/02/2012, 04:16

good clean simple to use layout, if it aint broke why fix it.

additions/change can be good but please do not turn this great site into nerds wet dream.
markzilla Posted at 14/02/2012, 02:16
last night ezrss was down, and i'd like to prevent that from happening. anybody know how much bw it
would use to mirror this site? i'd pay for it, just to keep it alive.
kcchiefer Posted at 15/02/2012, 00:48
please the clean design as is; it is easy to navigate; scripting is excellent and easy to read. less
is more, btw, always come here to get my tv shows. thanks for all your hard and tireless work!!
diza11 Posted at 18/02/2012, 20:40
love it the way it is. hard to improve on perfect. thanks for this site.
savman2a Posted at 19/02/2012, 04:58
just a suggestion, can we please have a "report spam" button on threads, this would not only help us to
report them but would be easier for the mods to identify the spammers and boot them.

thanks for listening!
billytk Posted at 24/02/2012, 12:33
a simple idea that would improve the site imensly would be to start carrying the uploads from fqm
instead of lol since fqm still has .avi's and not the useless format that lol is using now!!!
diza11 Posted at 27/02/2012, 23:24
like the site the way it is. where are the .avi files? we have to convert the mp4 files back to avi
to play on our devices. more .avi please
Ruzkhul Posted at 28/02/2012, 02:28
i came to eztv today only to find every one of my shows is now an mp4 file. what happened to the
avi? i can't play mp4. i appreciate that some people prefer it, but wouldn't it be better to have
both options present instead of abandoning avi all together?
Phathania Posted at 28/02/2012, 07:36
i like avi, i hate mp4
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