oh grow up you didnt have to read it in the first place you could have just ignored it
Posted at 10/02/2011, 15:53
that's true, but still funny
Posted at 10/02/2011, 15:54
Quote by tachyonemitter
that's true, but still funny
it may be fuuny but there was no need for them to be like that i only made an observation and there
was no need to go on about my spelling and grammer x
Posted at 10/02/2011, 16:16
dude/grl srry 4 .ing out hau nn0ing dis iz.
git a life
now in english
my dear dude/dudette,
i do apologize for my commenting, in a satirical manner, on your rather unusual approach of the
written word.
post scriptum
i shall encourage you to find the humour in all that has been said and done. i honestly think that
none of those above deserve to be promoters of the discomfort that you experience.
Posted at 11/02/2011, 08:11
i was trying to talk about supernatural like someone had already wrote this thread is not about
writing correctly and grammer it was about the show and other related things so you need to get a
life if all you do is go around and correct everyone's spelling and grammer and that is it i cant be
bothered with people so i wont bother commenting on things i thought we would have been able to have
a conversation about supernatural
i heard different about this site although saying that it isnt their fault people who join cant
understand that i was trying to have a conversation with people about supernatural