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   SGU: Don’t Expect TV Movie After Bad Ratings



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[#155098] Written by: mattdrum [15/03/2011, 18:10]
and people are actually surprised by this news? robert carlyle the man i hold solely responsible for killing the stargate
franchise already abandoned ship for another project that will suck just as much as this so of course there won't be any
follow up movies, if syfy and mgm have a single shared brain cell left they'll return to the sg-1 movie or the atlantis
movie they were supposed to make before they created this crap.
[#155179] Written by: esign [16/03/2011, 12:20]
what do they expect? none of the fans had any faith that there would be a movie. when you know
you're going to be left hanging, the motivation to follow a story goes down the drain. in fact,
knowing that the show is canceled, even the ones still watching it have stopped hoping it will
improve. that would just be annoying, wouldn't it, if the show finally found it's footing, in the
few remaining episodes after it's been canceled...

myself, i regret continuing to watch. infuriatingly, the show does seem to improve, judging by the
last 2 episodes. there's actually been some suspense, and some action, and, sit down and hold on
tight: some actual, honest to god science fiction! all of a sudden, it looks like this could turn
away from a soap, confusingly taking place on a sci-fi set, into something that actually belongs on
the set.

after wasting a season and a half on nonsense, they cancel it, literally just before the episodes
where the show seems to change course and pick up some pace. did nobody bother to check out the
remaining episodes? did they fail to realize that, when the show changes, so may the ratings? did
they even consider giving the different episodes a chance, before chasing the fans away?

nah... after all, they had already flipped the coin, and you wouldn't want to upset that brilliantly
fine tuned method of making executive decisions. why, there's no telling what could happen if they
disrespected the coin toss. they might even end up having to think!
[#155180] Written by: carinqua [16/03/2011, 12:21]
bring back stargate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[#155183] Written by: esign [16/03/2011, 12:48]
Quote by movie critic
Quote by omilianjos

primeval is kind of sucky on the writing front so i wouldn't exactly say stronger than ever.

well, primeval is a particularly british style of sci-fi. it embraces it's corny aspects, is story
driven, but has character development through the story. those accustomed to american fare, tend to
take the corny aspects too seriously, be confused by the presence of a plot, and fail to realize
that there can be character development without the actors emoting all over the place, messing up
the story by basing it on irrational motivations.

agree or disagree with that, there's one thing primeval has, that sgu has lacked all along: a sci-fi
script. that's kinda essential, when you want to reach a sci-fi audience.

of course, primeval and outcasts are completely different from each other, and completely different
from sgu. taking either show in the direction of any of the others, would be a disaster. the sgu
writers do need to be whipped onward when they stop to wallow in nonsensical "character development"
leading nowhere - not even to character development, though. they also need to be yanked out of
distraction, and forced to follow up on their ideas, creating some forward momentum.

if anyone out there feels up to this task, the show could do well. it's actually showing some
promise, right now. failing that, rather than falling back into the lazy reality-drama-soap it's
been wallowing in for so long, it should just be put out of it's misery.
[#155224] Written by: Audiovore [16/03/2011, 19:57]
Quote by movie critic
you could compare dr.rush with dr.house, ari gold and hank moody , all of them
are morally gray 40+
characters with flaws that could make them pathetic or annoying but the latter three are funny and have
powerful lines so they can start their own fan-clubs while dr.rush who is humorless and
uncharismatic is just seen as an annoying know-it-all that the viewers don't really like.

i feel bad for robert carlyle in that sense because i do believe that he is a good and capable
actor, he just landed in the wrong role this time, fell in the hands of bad writing..

i guess you could compare him to those, i generally liken him to david sandstr
[#155226] Written by: dexluther [16/03/2011, 21:54]
Quote by movie critic
the network doesn't have much say over the writing afaik and i think the writing
is the main thing that
brought this show down and the reason half of the enthusiastic fan-base of stargate sg1 and atlantis
kind of lost interest..

that's funny. i seem to remember sg-1 and sg-a both also being canceled, and those are supposedly
the better shows. why did they get canceled then? i'll tell you why. sy fy, incompetent as they are,
aired these two shows during summer months at 9 and 10 o'clock, and then complained about the shows
getting bad ratings. any idiot can realize that during the warmer months many people spend time out
with their friends and family. enjoying their weekend. they aren't in front of their tvs watching
shows. and of course sy fy doesn't care about digital downloads(itunes, etc) or dvr watching, but
these numbers were probably pretty high.

sgu is suffering from the same negligence. they pit sgu against shows on other networks that already
have devoted fanbases, constantly move it around making it complicated for people to actually tune
in live, and long mid-season breaks.

how many shows has sy fy canceled this year alone? in the last 5 years? sy fy is a horrible
broadcaster and shows that air on it suffer because of it.
[#155356] Written by: esign [19/03/2011, 06:47]
Quote by dexluther
Quote by movie critic

how many shows has sy fy canceled this year alone? in the last 5 years? sy fy is a horrible
broadcaster and shows that air on it suffer because of it.

yes. i'm skeptical, every time they start a show i think i might like (not that often), because i
just know that they'll pull the rug on it. it's like a bookstore that constantly rips out the final
chapter, to save shelf space, and then wonder why the books aren't selling. then, the less they
sell, the more they focus on the strategy of freeing up shelf space.

but then, that's what execs do: cut shows, and buy shows. all professions like to believe that their
expertise holds the key to success. when things don't go well, they crank it up another level.

for the sake of justice, though, the deal to renew may have gone sour because of demands from the
network, who may have addressed some fan concerns, such as the pace of story development. you know,
"creative differences". not that i believe it.
[#157640] Written by: tatsudoshi [18/04/2011, 16:52]
i hate how everyone seems to think their opinion means something to everybody else.
i hate how tv shows are funded by people how understand about as much as an amoeba.
i hate the world.
i hate my self.

now stfu everyone!

^--- the above is just about as useful as all of you posting away. sgu is dead. whether you liked it or
not, the fact of the matter is the system is flawed to the core so either let's start our own scifi network
funded the way we want it to, by us via ppv and misc sponsors. i would gladly help make a website
from where we could buy show season passes or what ever system would give the best representation
of true interest. it's only a matter of "someone" doing "something".

so why don't i? well from where i live in the world it would be next to impossible to get something like
this up and running. it would most certainly have to be someone from hollywood or that area as there
would have to be an office or something where writers can send their shows for approval.

that process would also be a part of the community where we would vote on what gets approved. of
cause without spoilers, just the main theme plus what other kind of information would be relevant.

so... anyone up for this or are you just a bunch of fat little girls?
[#159346] Written by: meatyman [10/05/2011, 12:33]
i am so fucking done with syfy !