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[#13003] Written by: xobten [22/01/2007, 04:16]
man some of you guys are unbelieveable,the original poster asked a simple
question,why not just give a simple answer.

yes,i'm sure it will end up here shortly.

see,that would have done it.all the name calling crap is totally uncalled for
and just makes you look like an imature fool for engaging in it.chill for
christ sake ! life's to short.
[#13026] Written by: kurai [22/01/2007, 06:51]

this is `teh intarweb`. there are assholes in real life, there are assholes

rather then get bothered by it just develop a thicker skin, ignore the retards
and wait for a real answer from a reasonable human.
if you feel you absolutely *must* respond to dickheadishness think about what
you would most likely have to say to them in a real life situation ...

"no. i don't want fries with that, thanks."
[#13067] Written by: thehun [22/01/2007, 14:57]
how was the first episode anyone seen it? worth the download?
[#13070] Written by: gatefan [22/01/2007, 15:30]
Quote by budking
it is a stupid question because 1) it's a huge show and will 99%
likely be
released on eztv, 2) it hasnt even aired yet, 3) requests pretty much get
ignored. however, by eztv standards this is only mildly stupid. there are far
far stupider questions that get asked and the people posing these questions go

air high-five brother [scrubs]! amen to that!
[#13097] Written by: nocens [22/01/2007, 18:00]
sorry you had to deal with all these insensitive people. i can't see anything
dumb about your first post. i'd personally never heard of the show before
(and i think that might be the case for a lot of people living anywhere the
sci-fi channel doesn't air). i'm glad i saw this topic or i might not have
bothered to check it out.

what i do find dumb is that people feel the need to go around insulting others
like this. i see far more idiotic topics by way less well-spoken and
polite people, and this is what you guys jump on? sheesh.
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