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BoonesFerry Posted at 25/07/2014, 01:16

Quote by warrior58d
it was good for a day or two but now it's broke again. sorry

i forwarded your comment to the site admin...he checked it out and said it's working fine.
please provide complete details and maybe someone can help you figure out why it's not
working for you.

valarhan Posted at 16/08/2014, 12:36
with the upcoming maintenance (aug 21-24) will the rss be running still? doctor who premiers on the 23rd
and i'd hate to miss it.. just curious so i know what to expect. thanks
milkman Posted at 30/09/2014, 08:22
i've noticed switching between different dns servers has been solving many issues with this website,along with the rss feed.
Code Butcher Posted at 02/12/2014, 20:30
eztv rss has been down since last week same time when tpb was sort of down due to dns issues.
can anyone confirm the correct url? i currently have "https://ezrss.it/" ;, but it was different before.
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 02/12/2014, 23:47
Quote by code butcher
eztv rss has been down since last week same time when tpb was sort of down due
to dns issues.
can anyone confirm the correct url? i currently have "https://ezrss.it/" ;, but it was different

that is the correct url and it is working fine.
mycophage Posted at 03/12/2014, 10:57
i'm also having trouble with https://ezrss.it/feed/ . the error on vuze (in rssfeed scanner plugin) is "failed:
received fatal alert: handshake failure". this problem has been ongoing for more than 1 week. anyone else
seeing the same?

(if this is a client-side problem rather than a server problem, apologies, but i'd love to know what to do about

update: this is a problem whether i use "https://ezrss.it/" ; or "https://ezrss.it/feed/" ; as the rss url.
poumi Posted at 03/12/2014, 13:44
it looks like something changed in the structure of the feeds and makes the torrent clients enable to parse it

my client also return an unknown error for the ezrss feeds but i'm still able to read them with a normal rss
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 05/12/2014, 08:04
ssl is using the new sha256 certs, if the software you are using can not validate against that i
would suggest you talk to the developers to get that resolved.
venges Posted at 05/12/2014, 11:01
recently the eztv rss feed has stopped working with utorrent (latest version). however, it works
fine with the torrent client on my android phone. anyone else experiencing issues with utorrent and rss?
djmini Posted at 09/12/2014, 02:09
i've not been able to access https://ezrss.it/ from my home for about 2 weeks - prior to that never
an issue.

i got on the site for about 5 minutes an hour ago, but now it's unreachable again. tried a dns
flush, tried resetting my ip - no joy. can access it from work though....

really really annoying!!!!

hutchy Posted at 11/12/2014, 07:14
http://rss.bt-chat.com/?group=3 rss feed is working for me.
GldRush98 Posted at 27/12/2014, 15:38
something is broken in the dns record/server... all attempts to look up ezrss.it have failed.

retrieving dns records for ezrss.it...
dns servers
ns0.ezdns.me []
query for dns records for ezrss.it failed: timed out
envoy510 Posted at 06/01/2015, 09:48
yeah, i get dns lookup failures, too. it's been this way for me since they came back after the
raid. that is, "nslookup ezrss.it" and "nslookup eztv.it" both say "** server can't find
ezrss.it: nxdomain".
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 06/01/2015, 22:02
yes it is down atm, we have not setup everything yet, so not all services are back yet.
oz1967 Posted at 08/01/2015, 02:16
thank you for all your hard work and just great to have you back..as for the rss well hey just glad to eztv up. awsome work
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