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[#171889] Written by: mrrcorn [25/11/2011, 04:02]

join the online fb partition to stop the movie or at least let them know how many people say no.
[#171919] Written by: Kargor [25/11/2011, 16:34]

the problem with "the big screen" is that they always use something "huge", "big" etc. guns
blazing, spaceships exploding, worlds burning, suns turning into black holes. nothing like saving a
boy from his nightmares or something little like that. heck, they'll probably have to kill the
companion and blow up the tardis to make things "interesting", or what they'll think is "interesting".

plus, they'll have to add all those "introducing things to a new audience" bullcrap, which probably
means they won't introduce 30+ seasons of doctor who, they'll just strip everything down to nothingness.

i didn't even like torchwood miracle day. even more so since they didn't really finish it.

now, special effects. compared to the old doctor who, the new one does just fine in that department.
it could use a bit more work here and there, but i'd say there's no real problem, even more so if
you consider that they change sets and stuff "a lot", they are on a tv budget, and they have to do
more than just a big explosion. i mean, we're talking about what -- the doctor, a companion or two,
plpus 1-4 important characters for the story at hand. no big armies or anything. i'd say it's more
about those people than it is about big explosions or animated monsters appearing for 30 seconds and
eating more money than an entire tv season.

take the money, secure more seasons :-) you can tell better stories on tv simply because you don't
have to introduce characters and a problem and save the world in an impressive endeavour, all
cramped into 1.5 hours. on a tv show, you might be spending an entire season and still not know what
the actual problem might be.
[#171925] Written by: CypherUK [26/11/2011, 05:20]
i remember watching the two earlier films at christmas on tv when i was younger. i wasn't around in
the 60's but they re-broadcast later on and were taped for me (yep, tapes) . even though very young
i understood they weren't linked to the tv series, but still liked them as a separate re-imagining of the
show, i managed to get a few tapes of the early episodes (in 6 parts) and even have a copy of one of
the earliest doctor who episodes. yes the early ones had dodgy sets and the like, but i was a kid and
none of that mattered, all i cared about was the story and could let my imagination run wild with it all.

so when this was announced i immediately thought, "if i'd only started watching doctor who a year
ago, would the movie ruin it?". i'm sure it'd be picked up my everyone in exactly the same way as i saw
those earlier films, as a totally separate entity of the show. will it ruin the tv series? no. will it be a
flop? probably.

i can't see the british public looking upon the film with fondness when it's released with little
resemblance to the tv version. worldwide is a different matter. i can already see the removal of the
look of the tardis as a phone box, the stories are more likely to be less 'fun & friendly' and more gritty
(which i'm not entirely opposed to tbh), and yes we're probably going to be 'treated' to
explosions/action galore. those changes, and you could bet on there being many many more, would
make the show more appealing to a global audience while at the same time diminishing the warm
reception it'd get over here purely because the tv show would probably be airing at the weekend.

i can't recall many tv shows transferring well to film while being completely rebuilt from scratch. people
will have to help me out on that one. on a similar note about rebuilding from scratch, the video game ->
film transfer rate is particularly appalling because they often veer away from the game's portrayal thus
alienating the game fans and leaving it with very little else to offer.
[#171947] Written by: DungeonRaider [26/11/2011, 20:28]
Quote by 9catsz
if they don't follow dw canon, then it's not doctor who! somebody please stop this

the cushing movies are still considered doctor who, though they're not canon or part of "true"

Quote by lohan666
i think this is really stupid its just outsiders cashing in on one of the biggest
show franchises right now if your gonna do a doctor who movie< it should be by davies and moffat
together. even if it doesnt follow the story it should be them they are doctor who now, who gives a
fuck about the
harry potter dudes. your shits over get over it.

tranter is hardly outsider, as stated she oversaw the series reboot for bbc. and as for the
suggestion of davies and moffat together... the last thing you want is for moffat to have two
continuities of dr who in his head, and davies will just want some guys to kiss (which they're quite
free to do if they wish but davies can't seem to make an episode w/o it).

[#172015] Written by: Sociacioux [27/11/2011, 21:16]
i don't see the problem with this .. it's not a continuation of the series and it has nothing to do
with it, it's just going to be a standalone story about doctor who, they will probably start with
the origin of doctor who and where he came from then continue with whatever terrible thing he is
trying to save universe from, along the way he will pick up some humans and aliens to help..

stop saying stupid things like " omg it's going to kill the series", why the hell would the fans of
the series stop watching dw if the movie that had nothing to do with it sucked?? be real.. nothing
is gonna happen to the series if the movie sucked, there is only 1 outcome for the movie, be it good
or bad, it will get the show new interested viewers..
[#172022] Written by: sapper71 [27/11/2011, 23:23]
Quote by dungeonraider
Quote by 9catsz
if they don't follow dw canon, then it's not doctor who!
somebody please stop this

the cushing movies are still considered doctor who, though they're not canon or part of "true"

Quote by lohan666
i think this is really stupid its just outsiders cashing in on one of the biggest
show franchises right now if your gonna do a doctor who movie< it should be by davies and moffat
together. even if it doesnt follow the story it should be them they are doctor who now, who gives a
fuck about the
harry potter dudes. your shits over get over it.

tranter is hardly outsider, as stated she oversaw the series reboot for bbc. and as for the
suggestion of davies and moffat together... the last thing you want is for moffat to have two
continuities of dr who in his head, and davies will just want some guys to kiss (which they're quite
free to do if they wish but davies can't seem to make an episode w/o it).

the cushing movies were never considered as dw. peter cushing was never reckognised by fans at the
time as the doctor. the reason ststed at the time by tne fans were that the character was not a
gallifrain but a human dr who had invented a time machine. to be dr who you had to be an alin. as for
paul mcgann it nearly killed his career,the film wrnt down like a lead baloon.

[#172421] Written by: gjbboat [04/12/2011, 18:58]
i have followed doctor who right from the very beginning and i think i have almost every episode
ever made and although the earlier episodes were somewhat cheaply made they were ground
breaking for the era that they were created, this never detracted from the overall enjoyment of
the series as the adventures evolved ,firstly in black and white then into colour, all the different
doctors added to the watchability by infusing their own acting style and creating a slightly
different air to each series , i just love it all and my children were all named after doctor who's
assistants as some of these names are simply beautiful and roll of the tongue with an aire of
exoticness[?]. the previous movies were made with none of the fabulous techniques that are
available to todays movie makers and if it does happen the visuals will be mindblowing and yes it
does run the chance of killing it all off but that won't happen, i believe, because it did not happen
with the previous movies and the overall attraction of doctor who is that it has evolved each time
it has been released, even after hibernating in the bbc archives it came back better and stronger
than before . i would be cautious as to how it is handled if it was me who had to do the writing as
the americanisation of tourchwood did not quite hit the mark ,overall when serious effort is put in
by the excellent british writers i think it might just work out wonderfully and how fantastic would
it be if it were done in 3d avatarish. cheers everyone lets not get too negative if it does get the
go ahead i only hope it gets the treatment that such a success story justly deserves.[ps all my
grand children have regular names, my legacy faulters with the current generation]
[#172917] Written by: AKAKJB [12/12/2011, 04:39]
there's absolutely no reason why there can't be two different doctor who franchises that exist
independently of each other. i've been a fan of the series most of my life and was one of the first
us-based journalists to report extensively on the series in the late 70's to mid 80's. my first
professional television writing work was for the old series and there was discussion of a potential
who film on a daily basis. the consensus then was that it would be best to do a sort of 'reboot'
(before that term even existed) because there was just too much about the doctor & his backstory to
try and cram into a theatrical film. for proof, all you have to do is watch the 1996 telefilm (poor
paul mcgann).

just sit back, relax and enjoy the fact that the series is finally getting its due. or don't.
personal preference on that but creating petitions and all of that rubbish is a waste of time
because if the bbc thinks it'll make money, this film is getting made. unless it tanks worse than
the 1996 telefilm, expect a few. and you never know - you might actually like it.
[#174056] Written by: Ecwfrk [06/01/2012, 06:46]
there's always talk of people trying to make a movie out of any remotely successful ip, but it rarely ever
happens. especially as long as the series itself is running.

a 2 hour movie has a hard time competing against a 14+ hour of content per year tv show. which is why
such things rarely ever get green lit. it's especially unlikely these days when more and more people have
home theaters. when you can buy a 14 hour epic movie on blu-ray without the hassle of $6 drinks and
people's cell phones going off every 30 seconds, the choice is pretty clear.

i'm sure if the bbc decided to stop making it they'd have little trouble licensing the ip out to hbo or
showtime to continue the series.
[#174181] Written by: Toonman361 [08/01/2012, 22:10]
edward62, i am sooooo glad that someone aside from me has issues with this incarnation of the doctor. i
have just never cared for him at all. individual stories are okay but the character is just too shallow to be
the doctor. it could be the writing because moffat's writing is disjointed imho but i think it's the character
as well. i'm truly happy that amy and rory are done. i really never liked them. personally, i'd like to see
a return to a mature doctor, even if he has to have someone do his stunts for him.
[#174528] Written by: supersillyus [14/01/2012, 20:21]
very new here, just tentatively offering a suggestion...

time war...

lots of chances to write that with open doors at the end, as we know the daleks (or at least some of
them) survived, the doctor survived, albeit so far the only one...

it could be something they made, even with the introduction of other time lords, other tardis, his
youth, friends he had, gallifrey even?

i refused to see lotr when it first came out as i loved the books, and i adored the artwork of john
howe, alan lee and some of the the brothers hildebrant's work. i couldn't imagine how anyone could
do the books justice, nor create anything that would vaguely resemble what i had imagined over the
many, many readings. it wasn't until the dvd came out that i finally agreed, at the pressuring of a
number of friends, to watch it. i didn't know until after i finally submitted to watching that alan
lee and john howe had been the primary inspiration for the 'look', and i loved it.

the doctor has had 11 incarnations on our tv screens, we have had so many 'hints' at so much, and
he's been on the go for over 800 years! there is such a gamut of stories that could be told without
causing the series to be 'damaged'. even a prequel to our series of doctors.

the time war is just one.
[#174791] Written by: hen5522 [19/01/2012, 00:29]
doctor who is the nice tv show..i really like it..but also there are other some shows which i like
the most as, lie to me is also my one of the favorite tv show/..
