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   White House Petitioned to Investigate MPAA Bribery



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ockraz Posted at 30/01/2012, 09:52
sorry duplicated post and could not delete ('option not available yet')
kiwigeek Posted at 07/02/2012, 01:05
first post here.

firstly to the moderators - please relocate this post if required and accept my apologies but
as some isps are suspected of passing on traffic logs from nz to specific sites here, i have had
to double proxy and this connection is damn slow. with a stupidly long lag between clicks and response
on this site i just clicked on the first thread that was close to the subject matter that follows.

tvnz just aired an investigation into the whole kim dotcom arrest. essential viewing as it shows the
panic room, the layout and the aftermath of the policies actions. also has a interview with the cop
who signed off on the raid.

due to the draconian restrictions placed on nz internet users here i can't torrent the recording of
the file. if only there was a site on the internet where i could upload a large file and share it....

( update ) uploading to u-tube failed - luckily it is available off the broadcasters website


thanks for the eztv site guys. as those governments unable or unwilling to resist the us's
relentless steamrollering of anyone elses rights suffer a 'takeover', erroding citizens online
freedoms and instead favouring to preserve a method of marketing music and film which simply no
longer works in todays digital environment, it is nice to know that some sites are still standing



ps - yes i'm paranoid, but if you want to keep your connection here these days it pays to be paranoid.
o2cui2i Posted at 25/02/2012, 21:31
Quote by novaking
i'm not sure if such a global one exists. your best option for now is to inform any
american you
know to sign the petition and update them with what is happenings.

the american govt has been putting pressure on other govt over the whole music/hollywood agenda. it
is a global problem. european countries are changing their law because they are afraid of threats
from american interests putting pressure on them to do so.

right now the mpaa is saying that pirating is getting higher because the internet is getting better.
the fact that the worlds economy is actually the biggest influence, but the facts are of little
interest as usual.

a new dvd where i live is 15-20 dollars and blurays are 35-40 dollars. where as a 2 tb hdd is about
140 dollars. math is pretty easy there. if they asked a reasonable price people would buy more. but
they are too stooopid and greedy!
Tiantan Posted at 26/02/2012, 03:31
their point of view is money-money-money ..............

face it, most shows that aired could be recorded by a dvd recorder for personal use, and
they would be out of luck. how is that any different than downloading episodes of favorite shows?
once it hits the "airwaves" ( another conversion to money-money-money, since everyone must
have cable since shows are not broadcast anymore ) it may as well be public domain, since you
can copy what you like for your own use. trying to sell that is another matter........
at the same time, i could understand their anger at having new movies in theaters being
copied and downloaded. at least, i could understand it, if they were not being such nazis
about everything else being downloaded...........

video killed the radio star, then vcr's killed the broadcast industry, and now downloads are
killing the hollywood moguls..............too bad.
o2cui2i Posted at 26/02/2012, 18:58
"at least, i could understand it, if they were not being such nazis
about everything else being downloaded..........."

exactly... i'd pay a fair price for anything i watch. the hollywood idiots have no idea whats fair.
when harrison ford and meryl streep come out and publicly say that the movie industry is hard hit by
the bad economy too, they had to take only 15 million for their last movie instead of the normal
20.... well i figure they can eat my shorts! that's more money than any normal family will have in 5
lifetimes and they cry about it.

the world is sick and greed is the disease.
plynn Posted at 27/02/2012, 22:34
dear people,
i love your site. unforgivably someone put a corrupted download on your site and i just spent all night 6
hours with dell support in india and $350 later i have my computer back. i was watching american f....g
idol last nite and there went my computer to blue death screen. so i want you to know who did this:
american idol s11e12 hdtv xvid-2hd . i am a pirate and love it at 61 and completely support the cause
of freedom on the internet. this is just a fyi.
zaphod373 Posted at 02/03/2012, 01:46
how about addressing some of the complaints about the switchoff or support for the avi users.?
zaphod373 Posted at 03/03/2012, 07:47
hello nova king, i am surprised that you choose to let this issue go unanswered for so long. please
let us know what your feelings are about the support for the avi format links
zaphod373 Posted at 04/03/2012, 06:43
hello nova king, i am surprised that you still choose to let this issue go unanswered . please
let us know what your feelings are about the support for the avi format links
Mudduck Posted at 05/03/2012, 03:56
hello folks, regarding the acta control deal if you want a global petition against it there is a big one running at avaaz.org
the following link will get you right to it: http://www.avaaz.org/en/acta_time_to_win/?tta

this one is directed at blocking the european block joining this take over plan. i am sad to report that my brainless
leaders have already signed up.

to quote the people at avaaz:

"the european commission spent five years negotiating acta in secret with corporations, but in the last five weeks
we've blown the acta debate into the open. now the commission is fighting to keep acta alive by getting the blessing
of the eu
zaphod373 Posted at 06/03/2012, 13:29
Quote by zaphod373
hello nova king, i am surprised that you still choose to let this issue go
unanswered . please
let us know what your feelings are about the support for the avi format links

hello, please say something about current directions
zaphod373 Posted at 07/03/2012, 04:40
Quote by zaphod373
Quote by zaphod373
hello nova king, i am surprised that you still choose to let this
issue go
unanswered . please
let us know what your feelings are about the support for the avi format links

hello, please say something about current directions

this is what the saying, falling on deaf ears means
garetz Posted at 25/03/2012, 10:42
ever asked yourself why people need to sign a petition to get the government to do their job ?
Tiantan Posted at 07/05/2012, 08:16
important !!!!!

microsoft, through it's " automatic updates " to any version of windows may be acting at the
behest of the riaa and/or mpaa by making many codecs it does not officially
support unusable.

i have a regular computer clientele, for whom i set up klite codec pack and a video player
other than ms media player. many of these have had me convert videos from mp4 to avi
of their own personal movies ( from cell phones or dv recorders ) and have loved the
results i placed on their computers, which played back beautifully with no problems.

until now.

heeding the complaints of my friends, i have investigated and discovered that many of the
klite codecs ( which are freeware ) have been wrecked on their systems by ms mediaplayer
trying to use them, and systematically disallowing them on every computer i checked.
even with the digital rights manager disabled ( the sneaky add-on to firefox that ms thought
nobody would notice ) it still will not allow any other player on your computer to do it's job
correctly, since those players rely on klite codecs.

this is deliberate. also illegal for them to do ( no matter what they claim in their
terms of use contract ) but they are doing it.

my only means to fix this is to disable automatic updates, and replace ms mediaplayer with something
a little less rabid on any systems i work on..............ideas ? thoughts ?
pcGnome Posted at 26/07/2012, 12:01
apologies for being an idiot who cannot figure out how to create a new thread.

this one seems closest to what i want to say, so i hope i'm not hopelessly off-topic.

now, i know that my government is corrupt on many levels - but part of me wants to think that if i make
a reasonable argument, someone just might listen and be able to act on it.

here goes:

in the early 1980s the us supreme court decided that individuals for their own personal use could
legally record and keep a copy of anything broadcast to them in their home. this applied to
satellite and cable as well. so, it's not a matter of airwaves or even a single transmission method
or format. 16:9 hdtv is just as legal to record on your tv tuner card as 4:3 sd was on your vcr. i
repeat - transmission method and format have no bearing on the issue.

so, the internet is broadcasting a stream from say, cbs, or hulu into my home and all of a sudden,
my constitutional rights don't mean anything any more. that wire coming into my home and the show on
my hdtv should not depend upon the infrastructure to decide this right is protected here and not there.

what it seems like is the scotus decided the vcr question before the political fix was in and with
computers, the fix was in first.

except it isn't there's this thing called precedent that even scalia would affirm.

how about a petition to the white house to have our constitutional right to record whatever they
send into our home by whatever means be restored?


administrators - feel free to move this to a more appropriate place and add a title as you see fit.
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