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   How do i set up an automatic download?



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[#15529] Written by: branch [08/02/2007, 17:49]
ok, i finally figured it out!
i made a filter writing the name of one show and it immediately started
downloading it.

i guess i'll have to add one filter for every show that i watch.

thanks everybody for all the help. this is going to be much better than doing
it manually in the morning when i wake up. hopefully, by the time i wake up
tomorrow morning, most of the downloads will already be completed.

thanks a latte!!!
[#15530] Written by: Overlords [08/02/2007, 17:55]
myshows is just a feed, it gives details of whatever the feed is. to get
anything from that feed, you need to tell your client (azureus, utorrent etc)
what to do.

ok, to be clear. you do need to set filters for it to get the shows you want.

there are however a few ways you could do this...

you can set filters for each show.
you can set filters for different quailty (such as to download all hr files
from the feed).
you could set 1 filter for all shows (placing all show names into one filter).

i would say to do it for each show (only takes 30seconds or so a time, and
once it's done, it's done) as then you can set options dependant on the show
if you need to (shows such as colbert report sometimes do odd things, as no
episode numbers, only dates). also if you have a problem with one show in
a 'grouped' filter, you might not be able to work out what it is. that 1
problem with 1 show might make the filter not work at all.

instead of a filter to get a certain quaility, most people would filter to not
get certain ones. place this filter at the top of the filter list then it will
ignore all files with those things in them, regardless of show (or other
filters you have). it always does the first (or top) filter first.

hope this helps a little more, you could also see the 'rss filter (azureus
based questions)' thread within these forums as it has some more things on
general filtering.
[#15620] Written by: DeLuX [09/02/2007, 04:24]
never mind... thanks guys!
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