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   House, MD: Series Ending; No Season Nine



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[#176196] Written by: bleh22 [10/02/2012, 19:43]
Quote by jeanlucpicard
Quote by bleh22
i really wish tv shows would get away from sticking to the same
formulas and develop
stories that evolve and change.

well ... we all see every year that most of the new tv shows that show promise/potential (through
writers with serious balls to try out new things) end on the major networks' collective chopping
block whereas procedurals (and yes - with the exception of very few episodes during the last 5
seasons - house md was exactly that) always get the go-ahead.

house has been mostly carried by hugh laurie who still does an excellent job but the concept is
simply worn out. too bad that grey's anatomy crap still seems to fly, though.

by the way - has anyone checked out hugh laurie's 2011 music album? there is some funny stuff on the
cd - he also is a gifted musician.

i agree. the reason why procedurals always get the go ahead is because you don't have to watch every
episode to know what's going on. so if you miss an episode you know what's going on. unfortunately
that means they stick to a formula and we get the same old. but with the internet now, that doesn't have
to be the case. they can stream episodes on their website with advertisements so people can catch up to
the story and still make money. i just don't see tv shows doing that well if they continue down this same
[#176252] Written by: pixelslut [11/02/2012, 18:21]
i dont know why there is all this hate for procedurals... i like some of them just fine - they have
their place. its just a format, and with the exception of "reality" a format does not automatically
make a show great or horrible its what the writers/producers/actors end up producing within the
format thats the key. not everything needs to be a serial with a sweeping plot and more twists than
a pretzel (i do agree than im getting sick of them canceling all the promising serials half way
through their first season though).

house is one of my favorite procedurals, but it is time for the end. i'll be sad to see it go, but
i'm not angry about it either, its just run its course.

[#176282] Written by: esign [12/02/2012, 10:02]
Quote by bleh22
so if you miss an episode you know what's going on. unfortunately
that means they stick to a formula and we get the same old. but with the internet now, that doesn't
to be the case.

internet could, and should, have that effect. it won't, though.

Quote by bleh22
they can stream episodes on their website with advertisements so people can catch up to
the story and still make money.

and that's why: they want to stream it, because that gives them complete control over the viewer. no
fast forward to skip commercials. no rewind or starting over without viewing the commercials all
over again, which, given the state of current streaming technology, is a deal breaker.
discrimination based on the nationalities of ip-addresses, making internet viewing unpredictable for
many. each show with it's own website, where you'll have to wade through all sorts of crap to get to
the episode. requiring interaction, to make sure you don't use the bathroom while the commercials
run. needing proprietary software with qualities best likened with malware. in addition, you have to
accept lousy picture and sound quality, because streaming sucks.

all of that would be great for the networks, if they could get people to accept it. however, it
would be a major setback to pre-vcr for the viewers, who won't accept it. in pursuit of the ultimate
enslavement of their customers, they'll try to corner them by attacking file sharing and recording
technology, rather than offering an actual desirable product. in an attempt at screwing us, they're
screwing themselves over so hard that they're bleeding and santorum-ing all over the place. if they
weren't making such a disgusting mess, it would actually be funny.

here's my advice to the networks and studios (as if they want it...): make it easy and fast to buy
and download an ad-free version (the actual f-ing file!), at a reasonable price. make it free to
download a version with ads (again: the actual f-ing file!). accept that people will have the
ability to fast forward and copy. that battle was lost with the vcr, with the internet as the
triumphal arch. it's a fait accompli; people have fast forwarded and copied freely for decades, are
still doing it, and will continue to do so as long as humanity exists. the good news is that this
turned out to be completely survivable for the networks.
[#181760] Written by: Canadaguy1859 [10/04/2012, 18:56]
yep... it's getting a little stale
[#183845] Written by: jellijaws [21/05/2012, 17:23]
maybe there could have been mor emaybe not. who can really say. what matters is the lasting
impression house has made. no guns no super enhanced graphical wizerdry just plain and simple
believable tv. i think the actors did a wonderful job. the various shows have been a mindfield of
discussion in our house. if the actors feel its time for a change who can blame them. they are people
too who need somewhat normal lives like the rest of us. they may not have begun as friends but you
can tell how they work together they have become such over the time. i am grateful for the episodes
they have made and its been a real honour to watch them discuss them and appreciate them for what
they are. there could never be another house and there is only one doctor gregory house and that's
hugh laurie. fantastic work to all involved in making the show a complete success and good luck to all
of you. thank you for entertaining me and my family for so long hats off to you all and i hope to see
you in the future whereever and whatever you decide to do with your careers.
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