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   Battlestar Galactica S03E15 WS DSR XviD-ORENJi



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[#17433] Written by: Al-Sadr [19/02/2007, 11:51]
i was told there are some pretty bad auido/video glitches in this episode, can
someone confirm so i can either get this or wait on the proper?
[#17446] Written by: Carnifx [19/02/2007, 13:34]
what's up with orenji's releases this week?

they've (bsg and dresden files) been coded in 4:3 format (letterbox picture but
with black bars top and bottom, not anamorphic). totally fuqed on a widescreen
[#17461] Written by: cameltoe [19/02/2007, 14:49]
wow. first time i was piss*d after seeing a galactica episode. waaaaaaay too
much soap opera cr*p going on. i was constantly skipping 10 secs forward
(blessed feature in any video player). there's a place for soap opera and deep
probing the relationships and the characters' feelings and pasts but galactica
is not one of them. you hear me, whoever wrote this piece of cr*p episode?
enough with this bulls*it. stay the f*ck out of my, my, battlestar galactica.
nuff said.
[#17477] Written by: Ghostface [19/02/2007, 16:47]
jeez, watch star wars if you want more explosions, or porn if you want more
naked ladies. the drama (that created by writers, not fx artists) is what's
gotten galactica the attention it has from critics, and is what is keeping it on
the air.
[#17518] Written by: cameltoe [19/02/2007, 23:22]
dear ghostface
let's play a little role game, where i am henry rollins and you are ann coulter.
now, have you ever seen the clip in youtube where henry rollins writes a love
letter to ann coulter? didn't think so. just enter 'henry rollins' as search
term there and pick the clip that's titled "henry rollins: a love letter to ann
coulter". try to catch the hidden message there. it comes right after words
"..but mostly ann you will just..." i'm sure you catch it.

now, you have opinions, i have mine. do not f*cking have a nerve telling me what
to do. i know myself what i want and what to do in a given time. if i gave the
impression that i asked advise, too bad. i didn't.

have a nice day. or don't.
[#17533] Written by: God2 [20/02/2007, 00:00]
Quote by cameltoe
dear ghostface
let's play a little role game, where i am henry rollins and you are ann coulter.
now, have you ever seen the clip in youtube where henry rollins writes a love
letter to ann coulter? didn't think so. just enter 'henry rollins' as search
term there and pick the clip that's titled "henry rollins: a love letter to ann
coulter". try to catch the hidden message there. it comes right after words
"..but mostly ann you will just..." i'm sure you catch it.

now, you have opinions, i have mine. do not f*cking have a nerve telling me what
to do. i know myself what i want and what to do in a given time. if i gave the
impression that i asked advise, too bad. i didn't.

have a nice day. or don't.

yes, let's make everything conform to your ideals. that's a brilliant plan and
sure to succeed. granted, you have shitty taste and act like a fucking prick,
but that's besides the point, you're obviously a more skilled writer than the
people who are paid to do this for a living. also, taking that much effort (and
ripping off someone else to accomplish it, no less) to say someone should shut
the fuck up is pathetic. lack the words of your own to use, i suppose? if you
feel as though your life is lacking in violence due to the television not
providing enough to satiate you, maybe you should just pick up a gun and shoot
yourself in the head. you get the violence you wanted and we get to read on
cnn.com about how some dumb cunt shot himself over being, well, a dumb cunt.
everybody wins.

for anyone else too retarded to get the point: plot makes the explosions matter.
sure, you can shoehorn in a space battle into every episode if you want to, but
then you may as well be making an episode of star trek. stop being stupid and
treating intelligent programming like shit just because there aren't enough
special effects to hold your a.d.d. devastated attention span.

shut the fuck up. there, i didn't even have to use a youtube video to
accomplish it.

[#17551] Written by: nedzweet [20/02/2007, 02:08]
this episode suks donki nobs.
[#17561] Written by: sCifI3001 [20/02/2007, 03:15]
Quote by nedzweet
this episode suks donki nobs.

yep only took 20 min to watch, just like the last one 17 min

as for the boxing one, 5 min to watch

season 4? i don't think so
[#17620] Written by: cameltoe [20/02/2007, 07:52]
***contains minor spoilers about the episode***
yes! more soap opera in galactica! that's just what it needs! you're a genius!
what are you, nuts?! you think i'm the only one who thinks this episode was
utter filler cr*p? accepting episodes like this is like accepting neighbour's
kids having spray paint your car. in fact, why don't we give those nice boys
some candy for making such nice beautiful pictures. f*ck no! those kids need
their asses kicked for ruining the ride! you think there's not enough violence
in my life? how would you know that? now that i think about it, i'm not being
violent enough towards you. according to that logic, there's not enough drama,
soap opera and filler c*ap in your life. now what does that tell about your
life? or maybe it's the fact that this episode introduced one, possibly two
alcoholics. maybe there's not enough alcohol in your life. if you're under legal
age to drink alcohol, stop reading now and go watch some cartoons. you should
really take drink or two the hard stuff sometime, so that some of your weaker
brain cells could die and let the effective ones to function more effectively.
now do i have add? what?! every time someone expresses discontent about your
favorite tv-serie you diagnose him/her as add? i bet you want to prescribe me
some ritalin too, wouldn't you, you f*cking over-medicating quack. it's one of
my fav shows too, you know. that's why i lashed out on it. i downright love it.
even some of the drama parts. should i just watch silently my fav show being
raped by a soap opera dildo? it doesn't take half a brain to notice that there
are some issues in the production chain. maybe they're running out of ideas.
maybe they're testing people, how much would they endure the soap opera cr*p
silently. maybe real writers took some vacation and now they're on back-up
writers. maybe someone there took off or got fired. this episode was such a
filler cr*p and yes, it's that obvious.

am i a p*ick? does having a negative criticism about things you love make one a
p*ick? if so, then yes, i'm the biggest pr*ck you'll ever meet. but let me tell
you, you have a funny concept of being a p*ick then.
[#17661] Written by: crazyivan [20/02/2007, 12:33]
i noticed the sound quality wasn't very good as usual with groups
still stuck in the 350 mb mentality, as if anyone in their right
mind would back shit up on to a cd and ruin the planet when there's
perfectly good dvds out there. i know, i know, global warming is
always the other guy's fault. go drive your car to get some takeout
packed in styrofoam.

spoilers below:

this show strives for a balance so that men and women will both
want to watch it. that's partially why there are so many strong
female leads. when they devote a whole show to relationships,
as if it was a valentines day episode for the girls, well it's
bound to freak some people out who act like they're off their meds.
if they didn't have the airlock scene, face it, nothing would
have happened in this episode at all. there would have been
no plot, no conflict, nothing to resolve. so i kept skipping
forward trying to find the story. all the baby shots???? man
that was a fat ugly fucker. adama's dead wife talking to him
as if he's loco? rediculous. not a single cylon? wtf? it's
perfectly legit to call this a soap opera. they waste a lot of
time on babies and talking about their feelings and who's sleeping
with whom and other meaningless love triangles. what i want is
more of the stuggle to survive, to piece together a fleet with
nowhere to resupply, nowhere to get spare parts. i want to see
the mcgyver of scifi. why is there no engineer main character?
where is the science vessle? why is it they don't meet other races?
how come nobody has post traumatic stress disorder? what human
qualities do we all have that help us overcome this. why doesn't
it descend into hopeless chaos? what does it smell like onboard
the ship? where did the whole number thing go? what about the
criminals, and the drugs, and where's the art?

it's mostly about either fighting or talking about their feelings.
it bugs a lot of guys, but it's attractive to women who feel
comforted by the strong father figure of adama and the equal
status of women. it's a girls show, but it's still grounded in
things us guys like. it's mildly amusing, but it doesn't get
me fired up at all like deadwood season 1 and 2. starbuck and
boomer are the biggest jocks on the show, lol.
[#17665] Written by: cameltoe [20/02/2007, 12:57]
exactly! it's the survival thing that creates the tension! a game of
will-they-won't-they all survive, not will-they-won't-they [insert couple] fall
in love and happily live ever after. f*ck! sure, is there a soap opera serie
airing that takes place in space? well, no, but if this cr*p continues, there
soon will be. maybe the producers feel like gods. they self-justify themselves
"hey we created it, we can do whateverthef*ck we want with it". you psychotic
emotionless bastards who feel no obligation to your original audience, die. or
at least disappear. hire some staff who have the sense of responsibility and who
take pride in producing quality entertainment which maintains its original
course and won't take any unexpected queer steps to the soap side. galactica is
a sci-fi/thriller serie, not sci-fi/soap opera. goddammit.
[#17800] Written by: nedzweet [21/02/2007, 00:35]
"this show strives for a balance so that men and women will both
want to watch it."

my wife also agreed that it suks donki nobs.
[#18073] Written by: crap2007 [22/02/2007, 06:12]
hi guys,

thankyou so much for all your hard work.
you've made an old scifi geek very happy.


[#18553] Written by: Kato [25/02/2007, 14:30]
thanks for sharin' the love. you guys rock.
[#18838] Written by: gippersdad [26/02/2007, 15:59]
the last two episodes (14 and 15) won't work in my media player. i keep
getting this message:

"windows media player cannot play the file. the player might not support the
file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."

i got the torrents from "snarfit" three times, and all of them say they were
created by eztv. so i figured i'd come directly to the source and ask the
question...what am i doing wrong? is there a certain codec i need? if so,
what's it called?

the torrents for the show have always worked before. every time i miss an
episode, i get the torrents...so i watch about half of the time via torrent.
only episodes 14 and 15 are giving me this problem.

any help anyopne can offer is greatly appreciated! thanks!

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