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[#1624] Written by: jc [18/10/2006, 14:22]
we need a spoiler tag (make the text black and black so it's selectable). but
still. episode 2 is was revealed almost definitively (if you can't see the
clues it's not my fault, he recollects the events in episode 2 in episode 4,
pay closer attention). episode 4 pretty much puts it into stone (and 5 will
certainly clear it up).

but whatever, i said minor spoiler over something revealed 3 weeks ago, so i
don't feel bad about it. mods delete if you must.
[#1625] Written by: mtmra70 [18/10/2006, 14:25]
[removed] -mtmra70
...allow all of us draw this
[#1627] Written by: jc [18/10/2006, 14:44]
watch the very end of episode 2 (around 39:50), and then, watch episode 4 when
peter is talking to mohinder, he explains what happened at the end of episode 2.
[#1702] Written by: schreineradam [19/10/2006, 01:37]
it does make sense now, but it was not (nor do i think it was supposed to be)
completely obvious to all. therefore i would not classify that as a "minor"
spoiler. however, i don't feel anything has been ruined for me, but please do be
a bit more careful.
[#1739] Written by: jc [19/10/2006, 02:56]
i apologize to all for spoilers, i did say "spoilers below" but i really did
think it was nothing on the scheme of things (i pay closer attention to shows
like this than most).
[#1744] Written by: schreineradam [19/10/2006, 03:03]
well i must admit, that was a very nice catch. i thought he could fly, but it
does make perfect sense, seeing as though he couldn't when he was alone.
[#1762] Written by: Krypto [19/10/2006, 04:41]
first of all.. i dont see how anybody could miss it... episode 4 practically
spells it out.. he says it it plain english, that he thinks that is what his
ability is.. does it get anymore obvious than that ??.. am i the only one that
listened to his discussion ??

second of all... on the rules page here... it clearly states under rule number
one... no spoilers for episodes less than a month old.. its rule number one on
the list for pete's sake..

can we get a mod to go through and remove all the spoilers please?
[#1807] Written by: jc [19/10/2006, 12:09]
i edited my own topic, but that other guy needs to edit his. and just to defend
myself one more time (because i didn't think it was that bad), the episode was
almost a month old.
[#1837] Written by: porepete [19/10/2006, 17:00]
everyone pay attention, heroes is the most qualified show to replace the hype
that lost created two years ago. here in greece although the show won't be on
television for atleast two years has already made everyone talk about it. so you
watch for that show cause it's gonna make some noise
[#1839] Written by: gch104 [19/10/2006, 17:08]
i'm a little confused about people comparing heroes to lost as they are such different shows it is not at all
comparable. i would say it would be easier to compare heroes the recent hollywood graphic novel
blockbusters, but even then it would be at a push as the cinematography and writing is far superior to
many of those (mainly because they have been hollywoodised far more).
i think it looks pretty cool so far, and i agree with the people who have said that it is better than lost in
the sense that it does resolve some questions in each episode (where as lost just seems to come up with
an endless list of new ones).
[#1857] Written by: myplace [19/10/2006, 21:07]
i found eztv and heroes both in at the same time and haven\'t looked back since - btw this place is
awesome!<<<<taken from the universal web forums dictionary.

the pilot was only bad if you didn\'t check out what the show was about before you saw it! there is a lot
info out there and what some might call spoilers - present even before the series started - and for those
out there in the sticks you can start with the nbc site and then follow that up with 9thwonders, too. trust
me, check it out thoroughly before you try to knock it.

in a way there are similarities between this show and lost - for instance the references to real & celluloid
world stuff such as the comic book and esp/prediction (you\'ll know when you find out ) - but in general
they are totally different. i agree it\'s not the same as lost but then again what is?

...for now...
[#1881] Written by: iDont [19/10/2006, 23:42]
Quote by porepete
everyone pay attention, heroes is the most qualified show to
replace the hype
that lost created two years ago. here in greece although the show won't be on
television for atleast two years has already made everyone talk about it. so you
watch for that show cause it's gonna make some noise

can you name me another show in the lost genre? i like heroes a lot, but lost is
kind of unique, and lost is not my favorite show on tv. but you say the heroes
type show will repace the lost show, so can you give me an example of a lost
type show?
[#1884] Written by: realjjj [20/10/2006, 00:07]
lost is good because it has a very complex plot and the one to blame for it
seems to be j.j. abrams (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0009190/) the best example
of a show similar in this with lost is alias great writers.i'm hoping for good
things from six degrees too,it's not bad at all and the story is getting more
complex with every episode
as for heroes too many characters and untill they meet it's very anoying to see
only a few min with each of em also the directing kinda sux it can go either way
become better or just a show for comics fans.
[#1885] Written by: Wolfspirit [20/10/2006, 00:09]
in my opinion, lost and prison break are on a complete league of their own...

their intelligent writers bring you on a mind boggling journey like no show has
ever done so before.

heroes, on the other hand, has a nice plot, although the suspense isn't all that
great. at times, the story just brings back memories of the now defunct "mutant
x" which it has a potential of turning into... the story seems to be picking up
though, so let's see what happens!
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