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max55 Posted at 07/11/2013, 17:14
i'm not a computer wizard but i realllly do appreciate your site and wish to show it now and then,
but i don't know of any, or buy anything from, street vendors
dachrincon Posted at 13/11/2013, 11:47
first of all i have to say thank you for everything you do specially for doing it for free!! i hope you had
google checkout, it would make things easier for everyone to donate, as many have said before bit coin
seems to be too complicated! again thank you !
pengo Posted at 24/04/2014, 02:22
i dunno if this is a good idea, just have to look at the pirate bay and their legal woes.

start accepting some form of currency that you can later use, is not a good idea. the site has already
experienced a ddos. now they have an incentive to come after you, more so than they already are.

they just need to hack the forums, trackers, site, investigate the blockchain, look at your dns records,
use subpoenas etc and they will get you. should investigate what providers tpb uses so they can't go
after your dns provider. definitely wouldn't be doing any hosting in north america, scandinavia, europe
etc and since money talks they can be easily corrupted.

accepting some form of payment for the site's service puts you more on their radar imo.

your heart is in the right place, but you just have to see what happened to the like of tpb, supernova
and many other torrent sites.

tpb is accepting btc and one of them is in jail and they still have legal troubles.

at the very least i hope you've been using public wifi and tor when accessing anything to do with the
site (the site itself, forums etc) and the bitcoin wallet. w can only hope its not so simple as looking at
your dns records, to find where your servers are and investigating the blockchain (etc) to get you.

have a read of http://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/193/how-do-i-see-the-ip-address-of-a-
bitcoin-transaction & http://www.slideshare.net/dakami/black-ops-of-tcpip-2011-black-hat-usa-2011

from my basic understanding, they just need to connect to a node, locate your wallet in the transactions
and then your ip associated with your wallet.

darkcoin, maybe investigate it as it was designed for the darknet so designed with a bit more privacy in

stay safe.
spojax Posted at 06/05/2014, 07:26
CanadaDude Posted at 23/08/2014, 02:23

i logged on tonight thinking that i need to "donate" something to eztv. certainly, i expect that eztv isn't
making a profit of any kind. i thank the people who run eztz for their time ...it must have been a great
deal of work to bring it this far and continue to be an enormous commitment! you should not alone be
burdened with the expense of providing a portal for the free exchange of information between people. i
see a part of my freedom as existing here. however ...

i cannot figure out how to donate funds to you via your bitcoin link, included with the header for your site.

is there somewhere with specific instructions that describe how to do this?

many thanks!
10ekips Posted at 06/04/2015, 02:20
I know virtually nothing about Bitcoin, other than several people I know have made a pile of money,
while others have lost a pile in it. I'm not interested in getting involved in such a highly
volatile and speculative device to handle my VERY limited funds.

Being long-term unemployed, I have few choices for entertainment and EZTV and other related sites
are all I have for sources. I have supported other torrent sites that have more mainstream payment
methods prior to my employment ending. If/when I ever get another job I would be happy to support
this and the other forums I use. Mostly age is against me ever being employed again, so I have no
idea if/when I will ever get another job. I have no retirement nest egg, as I have worked the
underground economy all my life, and managed to save nothing.

Thanx for all you do for us.
Shanemyster Posted at 07/07/2016, 21:39
i've been using the site for a long time and i want to help
Anaphylaxis Posted at 19/07/2016, 03:14
Is it helping if I host a high-speed proxy?
DragonFlyLady46 Posted at 25/07/2017, 13:16
Hi everyone,
I am not even sure if this is where I should post this or not but here goes. I am new to all this downloading of TV shows and
movies and I have gotten hooked. I am not working so I cant help with money to keep a site like this going however, I do want
to help in some way. I was wondering if I could some how download TV shows and movies that I personally have so others can
watch them as well? I would not even know how to do that sort of thing on the computer or how to even start something like
that??? Can I get help with it or is that something not done on this site?
Thanks for the help and info
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Foss56 Posted at 26/04/2022, 07:04
For some reason I have lost the " Add To My Show List " Can someone please tell me how to restore this.
Many thanks.
JAFish Posted at 29/04/2022, 00:02
Bitcoin my ass. one world order, one world government, and bitcoin One world currency. KISS MY ASS
AleksShamles Posted at 25/02/2023, 01:56
I tried to make money by investing in cryptocurrencies, but in the end I came to the conclusion that I was more relaxed and
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