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Oin Posted at 30/10/2021, 12:42
I'd like to see "Delete account" button.
mrkenn2020 Posted at 30/10/2021, 14:41
Is there a problem with the site? No new shows are showing?
anton77 Posted at 31/10/2021, 08:31
is this site still working?
AUSSIEWINNIE Posted at 01/11/2021, 01:51
Same question, whats going on with the site ??? So little uploads last few days
doipie Posted at 01/11/2021, 05:26
thought i was the only one not seeing all the torrents - so yes please what's going on?
Joe Halliss Posted at 11/11/2021, 00:36
Anybody know when the "Show List' is going to be updated with the new shows from this year?
werdfromoz Posted at 27/11/2021, 21:50
Life Below Zero. Can someone please help to up and seed life below zero season 17 and 18. Thanks
casinobri711 Posted at 29/11/2021, 08:37
Can you please add pages for CSI Vegas, Invasion and NCIS Hawaii so I can add them to my shows. Many Thanks
Thabto Posted at 07/02/2022, 19:13
I'm not really into this show, but I think it's important to the fanbase that could be on the site.
Can someone change the information about Demi Lovato's new show. It's just respectful to have the proper pronouns accurate.
This is what it currently says. And the pronouns should be changed to their instead of her. Thanks.
"The new series will follow Lovato returning to show fans her personal and musical journey over the past three years."
pcujgfvvka Posted at 11/02/2022, 14:10
GeekinTexas Posted at 23/02/2022, 16:16
All the recent episodes of "This is Us" are categorized on the "This is MY House" page.
dinosaurjockey Posted at 10/05/2022, 16:56
What's the process to flag TV show lists/pages that are incorrect? I add shows to my list, to easily track/download
their new episodes....but a lot of the series that I add have completely incorrect information/it's linked to the wrong tv

Hippicorn Posted at 19/05/2022, 06:24
The Curse of Oak Island series 9 - where are episodes 24 and 25?
k_uts26 Posted at 01/06/2022, 04:50
Where is Tom Swift's pilot episode. It was supposed to come out today!!!!!!
twoshoesmike Posted at 01/06/2022, 19:32
Ah, once again Bob shows everyone his panoply of the English language while trying his best to proscribe his fellow eztv
viewers with his sophisticated words like asshole and fuck off.
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