Hi, why EZTV torrents never ends/concluded? Like Outback.Lockdown, Mexico.Life, Island.Life and others
Several, many kinds of torrent are stopped by seeds before end, like spy seeds that no ends
torrents, purposeful, like attack eztv torrents
Is was an many days that happens that and only with Eztv torrent, no was with Rabrg site or other
site of origins.
Please, do anything about it
Posted at 04/08/2020, 20:59
So annoying that we don't get any response from EZTV, why do they have an admin person then?
Posted at 05/08/2020, 01:52
I totally agree it's really strange as well because people keep putting up new torrent which seems rather odd given
the situation with the site right now.... I have noticed that i seem to be having a little better luck if I try and dl
something later in the evenings so I guess it's just have a crack and hope for the best at the moment Hopefully
whatever is causing this issue will be remedied asap as really most of the time it isn't worth visiting It's a real shame
as this used to be a rock solid place to get great content Cheers from Oz Whimpy
Posted at 05/08/2020, 02:25
I don't think they have an admin as it think i remember them advertising for 1 a while back. thank god I'm a member of a
private site.
Posted at 05/08/2020, 21:17
Highly suspicious that so may torrents are being listed with no seeds.
How is that possible when the original uploader should have the file?
Looks like I'll have to go elsewhere for a more reliable torrent site.
Posted at 06/08/2020, 19:21
Torrents getting larger and NONE of them complete. Start out fast and shut right off.
Just in the last couple days. Bye I guess.
Posted at 21/08/2020, 11:11
Site has been overrun... Stay away..Was my favorite site..anything like this "[EZTV]" DANGER WILL ROBERTSON!!!
NovaKing (Administrator)
Posted at 24/08/2020, 11:02
In the past few days there were files which not completed 100% or had no seeds. This problem has been fixed and everything is resumed to normal. The error was caused due to introduction of 1080p files from the past weeks. This is closely monitored now so that everything runs smooth. Cheers!
Posted at 28/08/2021, 14:31
It doesn't matter where I click, even on nothing, another tap opens with some garbage about VPNs... I can't stand it.
I have a VPN I like and use when I need it. I don't want another, and I don't want some ad popping up everytime I
click on the page.
I also use The Pirate Bay and do NOT have this problem. Maybe I should just quit EZTV and only go there?
Posted at 29/08/2021, 03:29
Everything both repliers said, I already know and do. I've had Ad Blocker for ages, always updating it as necessary.
No other site (download or otherwise) I use does this thing, so it is NOT the browser.
My browser is Chrome and I use ONLY eztv.re
This started a couple of days ago and shocked me, but I have had it happen in the distant past on other download
sites, which I quit using because of it.
I wonder if the problem is the plethora of questionable tv shows that have suddenly shown up in the list of
downloads on EZTV. The titles of MANY look like they are porn...
Posted at 29/08/2021, 18:34
I'm also having the same issues with the pop ups for the last few days. I've updated my browser, using AdBlock Plus etc. It super annoying to have to close a pop up every time I want to click on something.
Posted at 29/08/2021, 22:09
@Nyebodnye sorry I probably used the wrong term there. Whenever I click on the screen it opens a new tab with gaming/gambling/porn sites so I can't block it. It looks like it is coming from fbcdn2.com and then redirects to one of those sites. It happens with Chrome and with Firefox. I've done a virus scan which had no results.
Posted at 31/08/2021, 17:58
@Nyebodnye Thanks, I worked out how to add individual websites to AdBlock and have blocked the two that seem to be attached to Eztv and were causing the tabs to open. So far so good !!
Posted at 09/09/2021, 10:53
This is not because of somebody's computer or browser settings. This is because you have a bit of code that immediately opens
an ad in a new tab so that it bypasses adblockers and the like. You said if I created an account there would be no more ads.
Why am I still seeing ads? Why would anyone want to keep coming to a site that is bombarding them with these malicious ads
and viruses. Contrary to what the fucktard above said, the Pirate Bay has never in more than a decade given me or anyone I
know any problems. This site is trash. You can't click on anything, you can't use your keyboard to avoid clicking on anything,
having a membership doesn't stop this from happening, and everything you do opens a new ad/virus tab. That's exactly how
you keep people coming to your site. I opened 4 damn ads just getting to and writing this comment in the forum and I was
signed in.