i'd recommend bsplayer. spring the few bucks to get the "we don't ad adware"
version, or find it from your favorite source. imho, it's the best player out
there for windoze. i particularly like the "boss button" feature, cuz i watch
stuff at work, and a single f-key pauses and minimizes the show. that's nice!
but the controls for brightness and almost everything under the sun are great.
and i haven't yet found a ep that it won't play.
Posted at 25/10/2006, 12:24
branch u have a nvidia card?
its a problem with geforce drivers that cause video to be so dark, its easy to
fix. in your nvidia driver settings just adjust the brightness in your colour
correction for the overlay settings. i have to turn my brightness up to 150%
otherwise i also have problems seeing dark seens.
Posted at 25/10/2006, 15:01
branch it also could be your monitor. my parents monitor is old and when i
watched show on it i had to adjust the brightness as well, useing vlc player. i
bought a computer and now have a flatscreen hooked it up to there computer
without changeing any settings and it was fine. actually it was too bright i had
to turn them down.
Posted at 25/10/2006, 16:13
in vlc go to settings/extended gui check the activate box and play start the
video. now set the brightness at whatever u want. u have to do this every time u
start the player (sadly).
vlc is great for weird formats but for normal divx/xvid bs player is much better.
Posted at 25/10/2006, 16:23
funny i never have to do that.... i just open vlc check it close it and restart
it and never have to check it again.you do however have to set the bightness
each time. new monitor though so i dont have to set the brightness!
Posted at 25/10/2006, 17:24
ok, i give up. i've tried everything, but it stays the same.
i has to be the monitor, because it certainly is several years old. i think
it's time for a new one, then.
but thanks everybody for your help. i appreciate it.
Posted at 25/10/2006, 19:47
if it's a crt monitor then it is most likely the monitor. of course what they
are suggesting would help with the issue, it doesn't resolve it. monitors just
get darker as they age. you can open up older crt monitors and just raise the
levels that way. you can get a couple extra years out of them that way but it
takes time to adjust and if you over do it you'll blow them and they'll
display nothing.
you can also do it through software like suggested, of course at a certain
point you're just going to give everything a white mask and it will look like