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[#3216] Written by: uber.peri [01/11/2006, 06:16]
i just saw that reunion episode 10 was out and i would like to watch the
entire season but i can't seem to get hold of episodes 3,8 and 9, could anyone
point me in the direction of a working torrent, or perhaps up these episodes.
it would be much appreciated.

[#3233] Written by: Holden [01/11/2006, 08:32]
episode 3:

episode 8: http://www.torrentspy.com/torrent/485716/reunion_s01e08_hdtv_xvid_xor

episode 9: http://www.torrentspy.com/torrent/491240/reunion_s01e09_hdtv_xvid_xor

copy and paste urls. could only find the hrhd-rls of e03, hope that's okay.
[#3386] Written by: uber.peri [02/11/2006, 03:25]
hey holden

i appreciate you looking for those torrents but i have already tried those
without any success. for episode 8 & 9 the unreal tracker is down and dht has
two peers with 0%. unfortunately it is the same case for episode 3 :s

ty for replying anyway
[#3460] Written by: Gissy [02/11/2006, 18:08]
does anyone know why this show is still on hiatus and hasen't been officially
cancelled yet? is it coming back?
[#3502] Written by: Krypto [02/11/2006, 22:03]
where do all these people keep getting such bad information ?...
we keep telling you... the futon critic is the only reliable source..


its cancelled... and it has been since almost exactly one year ago...

here is the first news page about the cancellation on november 29th 2005:

and about not burning off the final 4 unaired episodes, december 20th 2005:
[#3585] Written by: Woofitt [03/11/2006, 05:33]
the thing is, uk got hold of all the completed episodes (ep1-14). episode 10
aired last week, and we can expect the remaining four to come out in these next
weeks. however this doesnt mean we will get to the end, just a little bit
closer, since fox canned it last year.
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