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   ATTN: NovaKing (Administrator)



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[#528397] Written by: rickndeb [03/02/2024, 07:51]
If this is a legitimate post: "@rickndeb: if you have helpful suggestions, please reply with your feedback . Also, thank you
for helping the community!" (very hard to believe since NO ONE has been moderating for years) then thank you for the
compliment and my only helpful suggestion/request would be to have you consider myself or someone you might see fit
into helping you moderate and clean EZTV up to it's previous glory. I have plenty of time on my hands and enjoy trying to
help others find what they need. If I had the 'power' to regulate what is currently going on here I think it would bring
back a larger, appreciative audience. Especially women who get SO turned off by all the CRAP! Thank you once again!
[#528480] Written by: NovaKing (Administrator) [06/02/2024, 09:21]
@rickndeb: please send an e-mail to [email protected]
[#528481] Written by: rickndeb [06/02/2024, 10:22]
Sent as requested.
[#528486] Written by: longonna [06/02/2024, 18:58]
Maybe because you are an asshole troll?
[#528860] Written by: Beertje23 [14/02/2024, 18:30]
Bob, your account is probaly removed of the sexual oriented ascii pics and such. Don't lower yourself to that
incel clone troll porchwanker mannyp and the many aliases he hides behind.

We all know the coward the he is.
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