Written by: ebersneezer [06/01/2025, 16:50]
Written by: ____ [06/01/2025, 21:21]
I guess if I was post menopausal and a virgin I'd also be angry all the time.
Go and feed your cats, pissy bitch.
Written by: scotslad [06/01/2025, 23:55]
Pissy bitch, go and feed your cats
Written by: scotslad [07/01/2025, 01:41]
Wow if I was a teacher I'd mark that F- or 0%
Well tried. Maybe pay more attention in class.
Written by: scotslad [07/01/2025, 01:44]
Your cat wants fed and then to go out, otherwise it's going to piss on you again.
Written by: scotslad [07/01/2025, 01:49]
Pissy bitch, I must have gotten under your skin otherwise I wouldn't have been personally attacked.
You are such a joke.
Written by: scotslad [07/01/2025, 01:51]
People don't tell you that you smell like cat piss, they walk away. Noticed that ?
Written by: scotslad [07/01/2025, 02:04]
wow, you are desperate, cat lady.
Written by: scotslad [07/01/2025, 02:12]
Do you deny that you post TorrentGalaxy links to X Rated adult content for children and should be on a child s.e.x
offenders register ?
as everyone on here can contest to ?
Or that you post offensive content constantly ?
or that you try and impersonate people to make them think people they can trust can't be trusted.
You hypocritical lying bag of excrement.
Written by: scotslad [07/01/2025, 02:40]
Do I need to provide proof of your activity ?
Stop wasting my time. Everyone knows you are a vile excuse for a human being.
Written by: scotslad [07/01/2025, 02:44]
Particularly Tyser11, who you impersonated as TyserII and Tyserll (Lowr case L's)
You are the lower than amoeba as far as life forms go. All you want to do is suck joy out of people.
Karma is going to come your way. Hope it kicks you hard in the genitals
Cat Lady
Written by: scotslad [07/01/2025, 02:46]
Why ? What's the point of being a c.u.n.t ?
Just go away and let people help each other without your BS.
Seriously, you are going to get a big kick in the genitals from Karma
and you deserve it.