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[#529834] Written by: BobWestbrook [23/04/2024, 16:15]
Sorry, had gag reflex from your last post
[#529835] Written by: BobWestbrook [23/04/2024, 16:22]
Oh and by the way, Beertje23 and BobWestbrook are not the same person or even in the same country.
We email each other, along with Rickndeb, and Wolfiee44. People who collaborate and trust each other do that.
[#529837] Written by: Beertje23 [23/04/2024, 19:10]
Guys.. please. I love it when my new show thread get on top again. But not like this.
So... please make you own thread, and squabel there. Thx.
[#529838] Written by: scottlad [24/04/2024, 03:06]
Apologies to you Beertje, I will not respond to him anymore and the show looks like a really good one,
thanks for posting these!
[#529842] Written by: BobWestbrook [24/04/2024, 04:49]
Yeah I stopped downloading Sympathizer. Lacking subtitles and a bit hard to follow.
[#529846] Written by: Beertje23 [24/04/2024, 10:32]
Just a fyi.. I don't watch The Sympathizer. But when I see a new show on IMDB, I post them here.
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