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[#530077] Written by: housenigga [14/05/2024, 15:36]
wher ebrybudy goes now ize jus lookin fo sum o dat mity fines fried chiken an sum o dat wallermelon
[#530090] Written by: loggerhead [15/05/2024, 09:32]
ah dun here for ya but fur feer oh dat beeeen deleted agin lakes bfur samas BURR HEAD. konspirisi agin us
[#530093] Written by: BURR-HEAD [15/05/2024, 14:39]
ize stil her boss mus be sum odder big lips two
[#530094] Written by: BURR-HEAD [15/05/2024, 14:40]
am ize stil needs sum o dat wallermelon two
[#530099] Written by: loggerhead [15/05/2024, 17:54]
das gud nuz 4 me ta c uz stil wid us halleluya
[#530105] Written by: BobWestbrook [15/05/2024, 19:15]
WTF are you still at it ?
[#530107] Written by: BURR-HEAD [15/05/2024, 19:23]
ize jus lookin fo sum walleremelon das alle boss manz
[#530108] Written by: BobWestbrook [15/05/2024, 19:24]
[#530109] Written by: BobWestbrook [15/05/2024, 19:27]
Racist cunt. FOAD
[#530113] Written by: BobWestbrook [15/05/2024, 19:30]
I thought you and Beertge had reached an agreement and that you would behave. What happened ?
[#530119] Written by: scottlad [16/05/2024, 01:22]
We do have an gentlemans agreement and I have been sticking too it. This is the only user name that I
use now and I don't even come here that often anymore. I also told Beertje that I would not engage
with you but I will tell you that you are definatley barking up the wrong tree, little Chihuahua.
[#530125] Written by: loggerhead [16/05/2024, 15:23]
an gentleman???
Did you mean: definitely
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