Ah moron with the back tick fake account strikes again. *yorn*
Written by: scotslad [22/01/2025, 18:06]
Hey `Tyser11
Got your nose
Written by: scotslad [22/01/2025, 18:21]
[#535372] Written by: `Tyser11
[22/01/2025, 12:25]
Piss off an mind your own
Hey fake Tyser, why would I want
to do that ? Tell grammanazii you
said 'an mind' and not 'and mind'.
Also, everyone knows what a back
tick (`) is now and how to detect
fake accounts. Here's a present for
“Imitation is the sincerest form of
flattery that mediocrity can pay to
Keep imitating us, we're great, you
just immitate. `SlimShady
Written by: Grammanazii [23/01/2025, 06:32]
An instead of and, how disrespectful. Grammar is to be taken very seriously on
forums. Keep that up fake boy you'll be in for a world of suffering! We can't have you
soiling the forum with terrible grammar.
Written by: Tyserll [23/01/2025, 10:08]
STFU Stimpy
Written by: Grammanazii [23/01/2025, 11:07]
Your boring!
keep hiding behind your many accounts and continue talking to yourself .
Once the hidden horse has done it's job and gathered all your information, it WILL be
released publicly.
Written by: Tyserll [23/01/2025, 12:11]
Grammanazii doesn't realize that "your" is not "you are", it's "you're"
Get lost