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[#535734] Written by: Beertje23 [03/02/2025, 10:18]
Airs in this summer.

[#535747] Written by: Beertje23 [03/02/2025, 14:19]
[#535758] Written by: Beertje23 [03/02/2025, 15:44]
You were talking about civil. There's nothing civil about you. The fact that for the last couple of years, your
daily routine is to annoy everyone on this forum, even Rick, proves it and shows you have no life.

What did Rick ever do to you? Nothing! He is the one that help out most of the people on this forum.

You are a pathetic piece of s.h.i.t. in a wheelchair watching p.o.r.n. in the basement.

Already donated the the bit of crypto I got to TGx. And from now on, everytime you use a fake username, I
will split it between Rick, Bob and me.

Donations are welcome.

Dogecoin: DHNRDYAwv4mFfo6fDeokKbENBdj7j43yak
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