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Sleepy Whippet Films - TV Show

IMDb Rating: 0.00/10 (avg out of 0 votes)
Sleepy Whippet Films Airs: Irregularly
Sleepy Whippet Films Status: Airing
sleepy whippet films was founded in 2010 by lao director mattie do and her screenwriter husband chris larsen. the company partnered with laos' oldest film production company, lao art media, in 2011 to produce mattie's debut feature film, chanthaly. sleepy whippet films currently has three films in development, nong hak (dearest sister) directed by mattie do in 2014, and two additional features by up and coming lao directors in 2015. sleepy whippet films is based in vientiane, lao pdr.

last year, mattie do released the first horror film ever made in the lao people's democratic republic, chanthaly (2013). mattie is now raising money for her second film, nong hak 'dearest sister' (a lao horror film), over at indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/nong-hak-dearest-sister-a-lao-horror-film and she's just sent eztv a special message with a pretty interesting proposal: "a special thanks to eztv users" torrent located near bottom of page. (or stream online at http://vimeo.com/mattiedo/heythankseztv)

in the week since eztv started promoting mattie do's crowdfunding campaign on indiegogo, eztv users now account for more than 90% of the traffic to her campaign and the majority of the funds she's raised.

and now, she wants to give something special back.

every contributor to mattie's campaign that links into indiegogo from eztv will receive an exclusive download of her first film chanthaly that includes a second audio track with a director commentary. this commentary will not appear in any other release of the film.

the thing is, despite the film's success at the festivals, it was just too small to get a release anywhere. so here's the deal, if we can help mattie raise the money she needs for her next film, she's going to open source chanthaly to the internet. we're arranging to upload all the original footage, her original project files, the script for the film and the subtitles.

watch the video she sent us, and check out the indiegogo campaign


nong hak 'dearest sister' (a lao horror film) tells the story of a village girl from southern laos who travels to vientiane to care for her rich cousin who has mysteriously lost her sight, and somehow gained the ability to communicate with the dead. when the poor girl realizes that her cousin is receiving messages from the spirits that allow her to win the lottery, she has to choose between nursing her cousin back to health or keeping sick in order to get rich herself.

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nonghakdearestsister
indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/nong-hak-dearest-sister-a-lao-horror-film


chanthaly (2013) -- a young girl, raised alone by her overprotective father sequestered in their home in vientiane, chanthaly suspects that her dead mother's ghost is trying to deliver a message to her from the afterlife. after a change in the medication treating her hereditary heart condition causes the hallucinations to cease, chanthaly must decide whether or not to risk succumbing to her terminal illness to hear her mother's last words.

facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chanthalymovie
twitchfilm review: http://twitchfilm.com/2013/09/...review-chanthaly-is-a-haunting...


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