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The World's Greatest Wrestling Managers (2006) - TV Show

IMDb Rating: 7.20/10 (avg out of 76 votes)
The World's Greatest Wrestling Managers Airs:
The World's Greatest Wrestling Managers Status: Airing


Series Premiere: November 30, -0001
Genre: Action | Documentary
Airs: at 12:00 am
Runtime: 0 Minutes


0x0 -- Dec 29, 2018 --


The World's Greatest Wrestling Managers on IMDb

Date of last review or update: July 05, 2020

The World's Greatest Wrestling Managers Cast

Cyndi Lauper
.............. as Self
Hulk Hogan
................ as Self
Alice Cooper
.............. as Self
Dwayne Johnson
............ as Self
Bob Costas
................ as Self
..................... as Chyna
John Cena
................. as Self
Stacy Keibler
............. as Miss Hancock / Stacy Keibler
Jerry Lawler
.............. as Self
Paul Levesque
............. as Triple H
Vince McMahon
............. as Self
Mark LoMonaco
............. as Bubba Ray Dudley
Bret Hart
................. as Bret 'The Hitman' Hart
Ted DiBiase
............... as Self
Robert Remus
.............. as Self
Brock Lesnar
.............. as Brock Lesnar
Muhammad Ali
.............. as Self
Steve Austin
.............. as Self
Mark Calaway
.............. as The Undertaker
Stephanie McMahon
......... as Stephanie McMahon
Khosrow Vaziri
............ as Self
Melina Perez
.............. as Melina
Jim Morris
................ as Hillbilly Jim
Shawn Michaels
............ as Self
Amy Dumas
................. as Lita
Andrew Martin
............. as Test
Jacqueline Moore
.......... as Jacqueline
Rodney Anoai
.............. as Yokozuna
Lou Albano
................ as Self
Afa Anoai
................. as Self
Freddie Blassie
........... as 'Classy' Freddie Blassie
Chris Candido
............. as Self / Skip
Tom Prichard
.............. as Self
Dustin Runnels
............ as Goldust
'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka
.... as 'Superfly' Jimmy Snuka
Tammy Sytch
............... as Sunny
Torrie Wilson
............. as Torrie Wilson
Randy Savage
.............. as Macho Man Randy Savage
Matt Bloom
................ as Albert
Jim Neidhart
.............. as Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart
Jeff Jarrett
.............. as Jeff Jarrett
Scott Steiner
............. as Scott Steiner
Terry Brunk
............... as Sabu
Ken Anderson
.............. as Mr. Kennedy
Jimmy Hart
................ as Self
Marc Mero
................. as 'Wildman' Marc Mero
Sharmell Sullivan
......... as Self
Jim Ross
.................. as Self
Trish Stratus
............. as Self
Howard Finkel
............. as Self
Ron Simmons
............... as Faarooq
Teddy Long
................ as Self
Owen Hart
................. as Owen Hart
Terri Runnels
............. as Marlena
Paul Heyman
............... as Paul Heyman
Shane McMahon
............. as Shane McMahon
Chris Mordetzky
........... as Chris Masters
Davey Boy Smith
........... as Self
Jillian Hall
.............. as Jillian Hall
Debra McMichael
........... as Debra
Mike Hegstrand
............ as Road Warrior Hawk
Trudy Vachon
.............. as Luna Vachon
Mike Rotunda
.............. as Self / Irwin R. Schyster
Mike Polchlopek
........... as Bart Gunn
Bob Backlund
.............. as Bob Backlund
Harry Fujiwara
............ as Mr. Fuji
Scott Bigelow
............. as Bam Bam Bigelow
David Lauer
............... as Self
Steve Lombardi
............ as Self
Curt Hennig
............... as Mr. Perfect
Charles Scaggs
............ as 2 Cold Scorpio
Marty Jannetty
............ as Marty Jannetty
Robert Marella
............ as Gorilla Monsoon
Gene Okerlund
............. as 'Mean' Gene Okerlund
Arn Anderson
.............. as Self
Bobby Heenan
.............. as Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan
Brian Pillman
............. as Brian Pillman
Wayne Farris
.............. as The Honky Tonk Man
Paul London
............... as Paul London
John Tenta
................ as Earthquake
Josip Peruzovic
........... as Self
King Kong Bundy
........... as King Kong Bundy
Paul Ellering
............. as Paul Ellering
Debrah Miceli
............. as Madusa
Bill Alfonso
.............. as Bill Alfonso - Referee
Rick Rude
................. as 'Ravishing' Rick Rude
Jim Harris
................ as Self
Danny Davis
............... as Danny Davis - Referee
Sione Vailahi
............. as The Barbarian
Jon Heidenreich
........... as Heidenreich
Sherri Martel
............. as Sensational Sherri / Sister Sherri
Ken Johnson
............... as Slick
Jorge Gonzáles
........... as Giant Gonzales
James J. Dillon
........... as J.J. Dillon
George 'The Animal' Steele
as George 'The Animal' Steele
Billy Graham
.............. as 'Superstar' Billy Graham
Nancy Daus-Sullivan
....... as Woman
Elizabeth Hulette
......... as Miss Elizabeth
Raymond Rougeau
........... as Raymond Rougeau
Steve McMichael
........... as Steve McMichael
Don Muraco
................ as Self
Trisa Hayes
............... as Beulah McGillicutty
Arnold Skaaland
........... as Self
Antonio Inoki
............. as Self
Tony Schiavone
............ as Tony Schiavone
Jimmy Golden
.............. as Bunkhouse Buck
Bruce Reed
................ as Butch Reed
Norman Smiley
............. as Self
Greg Gagne
................ as Self
Sika Anoai
................ as Sika
Lash Huffman
.............. as Stevie Ray
Lanny Poffo
............... as The Genius
Kevin Sullivan
............ as Kevin Sullivan
Eddie Gilbert
............. as Eddie Gilbert
Bobby Eaton
............... as Bobby Eaton
Sam Fatu
.................. as Self
Doug Somers
............... as Doug Somers
Adrian Adonis
............. as Adrian Adonis
Stephanie Bellars
......... as Gorgeous George
Adolph Bresciano
.......... as Dino Bravo
Nick Busick
............... as Big Bully Busick
Jimmy Dudley
.............. as Self
Bobby Duncum
.............. as Self
Peter Fanene Maivia
....... as Self
Allan Funk
................ as Kwee-Wee
Jimmy 'Jam' Garvin
........ as 'Gorgeous' Jimmy Garvin
Patti Garvin
.............. as Precious
Mike Hayner
............... as Prince Iaukea
Ray Hernandez
............. as Hercules
Oliver Humperdink
......... as Sir Oliver Humperdink
Missy Hyatt
............... as Missy Hyatt
Curtis Iaukea
............. as The Wizard
Paul Perschmann
........... as 'Playboy' Buddy Rose
Ernie Roth
................ as The Grand Wizard
Dick Slater
............... as Dick Slater
Big John Studd
............ as Big John Studd
Juanita Wright
............ as Sapphire
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  Worlds Finest Wrestling 2018 12 29 480p x264-mSD [eztv] 1.19 GB 4 years -
  Worlds Finest Wrestling 2018 12 29 720p WEB H264-LEViTAT3 [eztv] 1.73 GB 4 years -
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