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Nova ScienceNOW (2005) - TV Show

IMDb Rating: 8.50/10 (avg out of 526 votes)
Nova ScienceNOW Airs: Wednesday
Nova ScienceNOW Status: Ended

NOVA SCIENCENOW - General Information

Series Premiere: January 25, 2005
Classification: Documentary
Genre: Action | Documentary
Network: PAC-12 Network
Airs: Wednesday at 12:00 am
Runtime: 55 Minutes

NOVA SCIENCENOW - Season 1 -- 5 Episodes

1x1 -- Jan 25, 2005 -- Mirror Neurons, Hurricanes,
1x2 -- Apr 19, 2005 -- Little People of Flores, T. rex
1x3 -- Jul 26, 2005 -- Fuel cells, RNAi, Fastest Glacier
1x4 -- Oct 18, 2005 -- Artificial Life, Lightning
1x5 -- Jan 10, 2006 -- 10th Planet, Twin Prime Conjecture, Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, Pandemic Flu, Lab Meat?, Stem Cells

NOVA SCIENCENOW - Season 2 -- 5 Episodes

2x1 -- Oct 03, 2006 -- Asteroid, Island of Stability, Obesity
2x2 -- Nov 21, 2006 -- 1918 Flu, Mass Extinction, Papyrus
2x3 -- Jan 09, 2007 -- Aging, Space Elevator, Maya
2x4 -- Jul 10, 2007 -- Sleep, CERN, Emergence
2x5 -- Jul 24, 2007 -- T. Rex Blood?, Epigenetics, Kryptos

NOVA SCIENCENOW - Season 3 -- 6 Episodes

3x1 -- Jun 25, 2008 -- Dark Matter, of Mice and Memory
3x2 -- Jul 02, 2008 -- Personal DNA Testing, Art Authentication, Capturing Carbon
3x3 -- Jul 09, 2008 -- Saving Hubble, First Primates
3x4 -- Jul 16, 2008 -- Bird Brains, Space Storms
3x5 -- Jul 23, 2008 -- Leeches, The Search for ET, Stem Cells Breakthrough
3x6 -- Jul 30, 2008 -- Phoenix Mars Lander, Brain Trauma, Mammoth Mystery

NOVA SCIENCENOW - Season 4 -- 8 Episodes

4x1 -- Jun 30, 2009 -- Diamond Factory, Anthrax Investigation, Auto-Tun
4x2 -- Jul 07, 2009 -- Hunt for Alien Earths, Art Authentication
4x3 -- Jul 14, 2009 -- Marathon Mouse, Dinosaur Plague
4x4 -- Jul 21, 2009 -- Picky Eaters, Capturing Carbon, Sea Lions and Walruses
4x5 -- Jul 28, 2009 -- Moon Smasher, Secrets in the Salt, Bird Brains
4x6 -- Aug 18, 2009 -- Public Genomes, Algae Fuel, Arctic Ocean Seafloor
4x7 -- Aug 25, 2009 -- Saving Hubble Update, Gangster Birds
4x8 -- Sep 01, 2009 -- Sleep, First Primates, Earthquakes in the Midwest

NOVA SCIENCENOW - Season 5 -- 6 Episodes

5x1 -- Jan 19, 2011 -- Can We Make It to Mars?
5x2 -- Jan 26, 2011 -- Can We Live Forever?
5x3 -- Feb 02, 2011 -- How Does the Brain Work?
5x4 -- Feb 09, 2011 -- How Smart Are Animals?
5x5 -- Feb 16, 2011 -- Where Did We Come From?
5x6 -- Feb 23, 2011 -- What's the Next Big Thing?

NOVA SCIENCENOW - Season 6 -- 6 Episodes

6x1 -- Oct 10, 2012 -- What Makes Us Human?
6x2 -- Oct 17, 2012 -- Can Science Stop Crime?
6x3 -- Oct 24, 2012 -- How Smart Can We Get?
6x4 -- Oct 31, 2012 -- Can I Eat That?
6x5 -- Nov 07, 2012 -- What Are Animals Thinking?
6x6 -- Nov 14, 2012 -- What Will the Future Be Like?

Additional NOVA SCIENCENOW Information

Nova ScienceNOW on IMDb
Nova ScienceNOW on TVmaze

Date of last review or update: October 20, 2023

Nova ScienceNOW Cast

Wolfgang Puck
........... as Himself
Stephen Colbert
......... as Himself
David Spergel
........... as Himself
Mo Rocca
................ as Himself - Correspondent
Neil deGrasse Tyson
..... as Himself - Host
Penn Jillette
........... as Himself - Magician
.................. as Himself - Magician
Matt Lauer
.............. as Himself
Martha Stewart
.......... as Herself
Raymond Kurzweil
........ as Himself - Kurzweil Technologies, Inc.
Michael Oren
............ as Himself
Mac King
................ as Himself - Magician
Jon Pertwee
............. as The Doctor
Nathan Myhrvold
......... as Himself
Larry Cahill
............ as Himself
David Pogue
............. as Himself - Host
Mary Schweitzer
......... as Herself - paleontologist
Matthew Walker
.......... as Self 1 episode, 2009
Rodney Brooks
........... as Himself - MIT
Marcel Just
............. as Himself
Donald Carl Johanson
.... as Himself
Doris Taylor
............ as Herself - University of Minnesota
Brian Hare
.............. as Himself
John Donoghue
........... as Self 1 episode, 2012
Leigh Hochberg
.......... as Herself
Michael J. Massimino
.... as Himself - NASA Astronaut
David Eagleman
.......... as Himself - Neuroscientist
Jay Keasling
............ as Himself - Joint BioEnergy Institute
Sherry Turkle
........... as Herself
Daniel Lieberman
........ as Himself
Robert Krulwich
......... as Himself - Correspondent
Apollo Robbins
.......... as Himself - Magician
Chad Cohen
.............. as Correspondent
Kirk Wolfinger
.......... as Himself - Correspondent
Irene Pepperberg
........ as Herself - Biologist
Vandi Verma
............. as Herself - Mars Rover Driver
Doug Hamilton
........... as Himself - Correspondent
Tadayoshi Kohno
......... as Himself
Ziya Tong
............... as Herself - Correspondent
Peter Standring
......... as Himself - Correspondent
Jacob Ward
.............. as Himself
Jake Ward
............... as Himself - Correspondent
Derek Briggs
............ as Himself
Kristi Curry Rogers
..... as Herself - Paleontologist
Elonka Dunin
............ as Herself
Manel Esteller
.......... as Himself
Jim Gillogly
............ as Himself
Jean-Pierre Issa
........ as Himself
Randy Jirtle
............ as Himself
Said Musa
............... as Himself
Arlie Petters
........... as Himself
Raymond Rogers
.......... as Himself - geologist
James Sanborn
........... as Himself
Ed Scheidt
.............. as Himself
Bernice Waight
.......... as Herself
Jennifer Wittmeyer
...... as Herself
Jim Wyche
............... as Himself
Jonathan Bloch
.......... as Himself
Doug Boyer
.............. as Himself
Bruce Fouke
............. as Himself
Justin Goger Malo
....... as Himself... Technical Manager for Antares Audio Technologies
Mike Gurnis
............. as Himself
Harold Andy Hildebrand
.. as Himself - Inventor of Auto-Tune Pitch Correction Software, Founder of Antares Audio Technologies
Kun Woo Lee
............. as Himself
Sang-Mook Lee
........... as Himself
Beatrice Magnani
........ as Herself
Gary Patterson
.......... as Himself
Doug Quade
.............. as Correspondent
Eric Sargis
............. as Himself
Amita Sehgal
............ as Herself
Dan Shim
................ as Himself
Mary T. Silcox
.......... as Herself
Robert Stickgold
........ as Himself
Tish Tuttle
............. as Herself
Matthew Walker
.......... as Himself
Matthew Wilson
.......... as Himself
Jose-Manuel Alonso
...... as Himself - State University of New York
Clayton Anderson
........ as Himself - NASA Astronaut
Matt Andrews
............ as Himself - University of Minnesota
Dieuseul Anglade
........ as Himself - Haiti Bureau of Mines and Energy
Nir Barzilai
............ as Himself - Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Edgar Bering
............ as Himself - Astrophysicist, University of Houston
Jean Berko Gleason
...... as Herself - Psycholinguist, Boston University
Teri Bolton
............. as Herself - Roatan Institute for Marine Sciences
Christopher Borroni-Bird
as Himself - General Motors
Hannah Bosley
........... as Herself - Synesthete
Alan Boss
............... as Himself - Astrophysicist, Carnegie Institute of Washington
Emily Burdett
........... as Herself - Synesthete
Eric Calais
............. as Himself - Purdue University
John Callas
............. as Himself - Mars Rover Project Manager
Claudia Castillo
........ as Herself - Transplant Patient
Franklin Chang-Diaz
..... as Himself - Astrophysicist, Ad Astra Rocket Co.
Sigrid Close
............ as Herself - Stanford University
Richard J. Coppedge Jr.
. as Himself - The Culinary Institute of America
Daniel Darancou
......... as Himself - General Motors
Steve Desch
............. as Himself - Astrophysicist, Arizona State University
Timothy Donlon
.......... as Himself - Kuakini Medical Center
Andre Fenton
............ as Himself - Neurobiologist
David Ferrucci
.......... as Himself - IBM Research
Michael Foale
........... as Himself - NASA Astronaut
Ruben Garcia
............ as Himself - Meteorite Hunter
Laurence Garvie
......... as Himself - Geochemist, Arizona State University
Mark George
............. as Himself - Medical University of South Carolina
Béatrice Gerland
....... as Herself - University of Manchester
Sabrina Gilmore
......... as Herself - NASA Space Suit Instructor
David Gondek
............ as Himself - IBM Research
Irv Gordon
.............. as Himself - Car Owner
Kathie Hahn
............. as Herself - Fan of Alex
Mark Hall
............... as Himself - Biomes Marine Biology Center
Roger Hanlon
............ as Himself - Marine Biological Laboratory
David Hanson
............ as Himself - Hanson Robotics
Donald Henderson
........ as Himself - White Sands Test Facility
Bill Hicks
.............. as Himself - Hanson Robotics
James Hirai
............. as Himself - 91 Years Old
Jean-Jacques Hublin
..... as Himself - Max Planck Institute
Smith Johnston
.......... as Himself - NASA Flight Surgeon
Thomas H. Jordan
........ as Himself - Southern California Earthquake Center
Tom Jordan
.............. as Himself - University of Southern California
Janna Kaplan
............ as Herself - Brandeis University
Max Keasling
............ as Himself - Jay's Father
Charlie Kemp
............ as Himself - Georgia Tech
Cynthia Kenyon
.......... as Herself - University of California, San Francisco
Vickie Kloeris
.......... as Herself - NASA Food Scientist
Stan Kuczaj
............. as Himself - University of Southern Mississippi
James Lackner
........... as Himself - Brandeis University
Kathleen Lance
.......... as Herself - Fan of Alex
Robert Langer
........... as Himself - MIT
Harold Laufman
.......... as Himself - 98 Years Old
Jason Leigh
............. as Himself - Computer Scientist
Arlene Lewin
............ as Herself - Lab Manager
Eric Lightner
........... as Himself - U.S. Department of Energy
Angela Lin
.............. as Herself - Synesthete
Jerry Linenger
.......... as Himself - NASA Astronaut, 1992-1998
Paolo Macchiarini
....... as Himself - USP Instituto Universitario Dexeus
Stephen Macknik
......... as Himself - Barrow Neurological Institute
Ernest Majer
............ as Himself - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Susana Martínez-Conde
.. as Herself - Barrow Neurological Institute
Duane Matejka
........... as Himself - Mechanic
Dava Newman
............. as Herself - MIT
Joe Ornato
.............. as Himself - Virginia Commonwealth University
Harald Ott
.............. as Himself - Massachusetts General Hospital
Alvaro Pascual-Leone
.... as Himself - Harvard Medical School
Michele Perchonok
....... as Herself - NASA Food Scientist
John W. Pilly
........... as Himself - Wofford College
Matt Powner
............. as Himself - University of Manchester
David Reed
.............. as Himself - Florida Museum of Natural History
Diana Reiss
............. as Herself - Hunter College
Lisa Robinson
........... as Herself - Andre's Wife
Wendy Rogers
............ as Herself - Georgia Tech
Todd Sacktor
............ as Himself - Neurologist, SUNY Downstate
Rebecca Saxe
............ as Herself - MIT
Dallas K. Schittler Jr.
. as Himself - Fan of Alex
Anna Schwartz
........... as Herself - Research Assistant
Blake Simmons
........... as Himself - Joint BioEnergy Institute
Carol Sokalski
.......... as Herself - Fan of Alex
Mark Stoneking
.......... as Himself - Max Planck Institute
John Sutherland
......... as Himself - University of Manchester
Jack Szostak
............ as Himself - Massachusetts General Hospital
Andrew S.W. Thomas
...... as Himself - NASA Astronaut
Andrea Thomaz
........... as Herself - Georgia Tech
Paul Tompkins
........... as Himself - Space Robotics Engineer
Steffie Tomson
.......... as Herself - Research Assistant
Joseph Vacanti
.......... as Himself - Massachusetts General Hospital
Vijay Vaitheeswaran
..... as Himself - The Economist
Beth Van De Bussche
..... as Herself - Wife
Todd Van De Bussche
..... as Himself - Cooling Therapy Patient
Don Vaughn
.............. as Himself - Research Assistant
Riche Vermont
........... as Himself - Mechanic
Meenakshi Wadhwa
........ as Herself - Director, Meteorite Studies Center, Arizona State University
Peggy Whitson
........... as Herself - NASA Astronaut
Bradley Willcox
......... as Himself - Kuakini Medical Center
Sunita Williams
......... as Herself - NASA Astronaut
Erik Wilson
............. as Himself - GM, Labrador Mountain Ski Resort
Clive D.L. Wynne
........ as Himself - University of Florida
Chuck Yogi
.............. as Himself - 91 Years Old
Joseph Zerr
............. as Himself - Synesthete
Zeresenay Alemseged
..... as Himself
Nelly Alia-Klein
........ as Herself
Derek Amato
............. as Himself
Russ Angold
............. as Himself
Linda Bartoshuk
......... as Herself
Kevin M. Beaver
......... as Himself
Sian Beilock
............ as Himself
Bruce Bradley
........... as Himself
Rodeny Brooks
........... as Himself
Joshua W. Buckholtz
..... as Himself
Thierry Chaminade
....... as Himself
Iain D. Couzin
.......... as Himself
Guy Crosby
.............. as Himself
Peter Cummings
.......... as Himself
Rhiju Das
............... as Himself
Marina Davila-Ross
...... as Herself
Todd Dennis
............. as Himself
John Donoghue
........... as Himself
Dale Dougherty
.......... as Himself
Dean Falk
............... as Himself
Nita A. Farahany
........ as Herself
David Frayer
............ as Himself
Henry Fuchs
............. as Himself
Anna Gagliardo
.......... as Herself
Keith Gaines
............ as Himself
Alberto Giordano
........ as Himself
John Golfinos
........... as Himself
Ed Green
................ as Himself
Jon Hagstrum
............ as Himself
Richard Haier
........... as Himself
Selam Hailemariam
....... as Himself
Daniel Halperin
......... as Himself
Michelle D. Hamilton
.... as Herself
Scott Heimendinger
...... as Himself
Joy Hirsch
.............. as Herself
Dennis Hong
............. as Himself
Alexandra Horowitz
...... as Herself
Nikko Jackson
........... as Himself
Taryn Kohno
............. as Herself
Jim Korinek
............. as Himself
Karl Koscher
............ as Himself
Donald J. Krapohl
....... as Himself
Bridget Lancaster
....... as Herself
Tan Le
.................. as Herself
Dan Lee
................. as Himself
Fred Lepore
............. as Himself
Thurmon Lockhart
........ as Himself
David Marantz
........... as Dr. Thomas Harvey
Monica Martinez
......... as Herself
Peggy Mason
............. as Herself
Bruce Miller
............ as Himself
Gina Mireault
........... as Herself
Tom Mitchell
............ as Himself
Conor Myhrvold
.......... as Himself
Shyam Narayanan
......... as Himself
Clifford Nass
........... as Himself
Michael O'Boyle
......... as Himself
Babak Parviz
............ as Himself
Anne Pringle
............ as Herself
Gerardo Ramirez
......... as Himself
Friederike Range
........ as Herself
Franzi Roesner
.......... as Himself
April Ruiz
.............. as Herself
Laurie Santos
........... as Herself
Jeffery Schall
.......... as Himself
Stephen Secor
........... as Himself
Tom Seeley
.............. as Himself
Gordon M. Shepherd
...... as Himself
Fred Spoor
.............. as Himself
Kate Spradley
........... as Herself
Dietrich Stout
.......... as Himself
Barb Stuckey
............ as Herself
Michael Tate
............ as Himself
Cynthia Thompson
........ as Herself
Jeff Tomberlin
.......... as Himself
Darold A. Treffert
...... as Himself
Adrien Treuille
......... as Himself
Jennifer Vendemia
....... as Herself
Charles Walcott
......... as Himself
Mike Walker
............. as Himself
Sandra Witelson
......... as Herself
Richard Wrangham
........ as Himself
Hany Farid
.............. as Himself - Digital Forensic Expert
Chad Cohen
.............. as Himself - Correspondent
Dean Falk
............... as Himself 1 episode, 2012
Carla Wohl
.............. as Herself 1 episode, 2007
Rob Morsberger
.......... as Himself 1 episode, 2008
Alex Liu
................ as Self 1 episode, 2011
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