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TorrentFreak TV - TV Show

IMDb Rating: 9.08/10 (avg out of 13 votes)
TorrentFreak TV Airs: Irregularly
TorrentFreak TV Status: Ended
torrentfreak tv - General Information

Status: canceled/ended?
Premiere: October 12, 2008?
final episode: May 2, 2011?
Genre: educational | internet piracy | bit-torrent news
Network: internet (worldwide)

Runtime: 5 - 20 min. (approx.)

torrentfreak tv -- a bi-weaky show to recap some of the best, most interesting or remarkable stories from the wonderful world of bittorrent. the show was directed by none other than andrej preston, who some people might remember as the founder of the legendary suprnova.org, and hosted by lovely stacia lawrence.

the series has been mostly video but there are also a handful of audio podcasts

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if anyone has Additional Information regarding this series, please send a private message to a stie admin or mod.

Date of last review or update: April 23, 2012

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