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Mixtape #1 - TV Show

IMDb Rating: 7.66/10 (avg out of 6 votes)
Mixtape #1 Airs: Irregularly
Mixtape #1 Status: Airing
"home taping is killing music" - the bpi

we're proud to be releasing this first vodo mixtape. actual tape might be a thing of the past, but before p2p, mixtapes were the most popular way of sharing popular culture the world had known -- and once called the 'most widely practiced american art form'. we want to resuscitate the spirit of the mixtape for this vodo mixtape series: compilations of our favourite shorts, the weird, the wild and the wonky, all brought together in a temporary and uncomfortable company.

famously, 'home taping is killing music' was the slogan of a 1980s anti-copyright infringement campaign by the british phonographic industry. the widely parodied slogan reflected the industry's concern that sharing by tape would destroy their business. back then, punks used mixtape culture to spread their music through networks of fans. we hope the vodo mixtape works the same way, to bring new creative works direct to fans through the culture of sharing. peer to peer pressure!


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