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The Yes Men Fix The World - TV Show

IMDb Rating: 8.66/10 (avg out of 6 votes)
The Yes Men Fix The World Airs: Irregularly
The Yes Men Fix The World Status: Ended
the yes men fix the world — peer-to-peer edition

"fiendishly amusing... out-borats sacha baron cohen at his most confrontational."—washington post
"this is the year's top documentary film." — new scientist
"we think it is a serious matter when people willingly misrepresent themselves." — exxon

about this release

vodo's sixth release is the special peer-to-peer edition of the multi-award-winning the yes men fix the world. this edition, made exclusively for vodo, includes exclusive controversial footage of the yes men impersonating the united states chamber of commerce. the yes men are being sued over this action, and see p2p as the best and only way this material will get seen. they're calling for it to be copied as far and wide as possible.

the yes men are a culture jamming activist-duo raising awareness around social problems caused by corporations. operating under the mission statement of telling the truth and exposing lies, they practice a concept they call "identity correction", in which they impersonate entities that they dislike -- some would call it social engineering on a grand scale! from their offices in milwaukee, they create and maintain fake websites similar to ones they intend to spoof, which have successfully lead to numerous interview, conference, and tv talk show invitations. these occasions are then used to expose, through parody and surreal humour, the dark motivations of our multinational world.

the yes men fix the world is a screwball true story about two gonzo political activists who, posing as top executives of giant corporations, lie their way into big business conferences and pull off the world's most outrageous pranks.
some words from the yes men

"we have been impersonating people in power in to make political points for over a decade. the yes men fix the world is our second feature film. it's won a bucket of awards and accolades, but we're still broke. we are hoping that people who share it will donate some money so that we can do even more outrageous actions.

how outrageous? outrageous enough to get us sued! not long ago the us chamber of commerce took us to court for impersonating them. that is why on this special p2p version of the yes men fix the world, we have included an exclusive video that the us chamber of commerce does not want you to see. you can only see this surprising film on the exclusive vodo p2p release.

one final note: making films takes lots of hard work. and money. we busted our ass to make this film and still owe our friends barrels of cash they loaned us. by supporting us and joining the yes men labs, you not only get a membership card and an entry into the prize draw, you also help us to pay all those people back and fund future projects. we're sharing by p2p because we made this film to be watched, and with your help we'll able carry on with what we love doing."

"great fun! it takes some nerve, not to mention diabolical intelligence... to pull off the elaborate pranks devised by the yes men." — new york times

documentary, 2010, 95 mins

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