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Curiosity (2011) - TV Show

IMDb Rating: 7.70/10 (avg out of 720 votes)
Curiosity Airs: Sunday
Curiosity Status: Ended

CURIOSITY - General Information

Series Premiere: August 07, 2011
Classification: Documentary
Genre: Action | Documentary
Network: Discovery Channel
Airs: Sunday at 08:00 pm
Runtime: 60 Minutes

CURIOSITY - Season 1 -- 17 Episodes

1x1 -- Aug 07, 2011 -- Did God Create the Universe?
1x2 -- Aug 14, 2011 -- Alien Invasion: Are We Ready?
1x3 -- Aug 21, 2011 -- Why Is Sex Fun?
1x4 -- Aug 28, 2011 -- What Sank Titanic?
1x5 -- Sep 04, 2011 -- Parallel Universes: Are They Real?
1x6 -- Sep 11, 2011 -- What's Beneath America?
1x7 -- Sep 18, 2011 -- How Will the World End?
1x8 -- Sep 25, 2011 -- Atlantis Uncovered
1x9 -- Oct 02, 2011 -- I, Caveman - Back to the Stone Age (1)
1x10 -- Oct 02, 2011 -- I, Caveman - The Great Hunt (2)
1x11 -- Oct 09, 2011 -- Egypt: What Lies Beneath
1x12 -- Oct 16, 2011 -- Can You Live Forever?
1x13 -- Oct 23, 2011 -- World's Dirtiest Man
1x14 -- Oct 30, 2011 -- How Evil Are You?
1x15 -- Nov 06, 2011 -- Life Before Birth
1x16 -- Nov 13, 2011 -- What's America Worth?
1x17 -- Nov 20, 2011 -- Your Body on Drugs

CURIOSITY - Season 2 -- 13 Episodes

2x1 -- Oct 07, 2012 -- Plane Crash
2x2 -- Oct 14, 2012 -- The Devil's Triangle
2x3 -- Oct 21, 2012 -- I Was Mummified
2x4 -- Oct 28, 2012 -- Brainwashed
2x5 -- Nov 04, 2012 -- Battlefield Cell
2x6 -- Nov 11, 2012 -- Sex in America
2x7 -- Nov 18, 2012 -- Megastorm
2x8 -- Nov 25, 2012 -- Mankind Rising
2x9 -- Dec 09, 2012 -- Volcano Time Bomb
2x10 -- Dec 16, 2012 -- What Destroyed the Hindenburg?
2x11 -- Dec 23, 2012 -- X-Ray: Yellowstone
2x12 -- Dec 30, 2012 -- Sun Storm
2x13 -- Jan 27, 2013 -- Monster Squid: The Giant is Real

Additional CURIOSITY Information

Curiosity on IMDb
Curiosity on TVmaze

Date of last review or update: October 19, 2023

Curiosity Cast

Reece Ritchie
.................... as Yishharu
Colin Salmon
..................... as Narrator
........................ as Himself - Host
Steve Wolf
....................... as Himself - Host
Mike Rowe
........................ as Himself - Host
Justin Morck
..................... as Resistance A
Bill Paxton
...................... as Himself - Host
Brendan Fraser
................... as Himself - Host
Sean Barrett
..................... as Himself - Narrator
Stephanie Leonidas
............... as Pinaruti
Benedict Cumberbatch
............. as Narrator
Samuel L. Jackson
................ as Himself
Robin Williams
................... as Himself
Martin Sheen
..................... as Himself - Narrator
Maggie Gyllenhaal
................ as Herself - Host
Morgan Freeman
................... as Himself - Narrator
Frank Tipler
..................... as Himself - Physicist
Paul Steinhardt
.................. as Himself - Albert Einstein Professor in Science
Max Tegmark
...................... as Himself - Cosmologist
Jaiden Kaine
..................... as Newscaster
Morgan Spurlock
.................. as Himself
Josh Charles
..................... as Narrator
Donald Trump
..................... as Self - Host 1 episode, 2011
Ivan The Terrible Santiago
....... as
Terry O'Quinn
.................... as Himself - Host
Matthew W. Allen
................. as Specialist Jacques
Michelle Rodriguez
............... as Herself - Host
Langley Kirkwood
................. as Rusa
Phil Cheadle
..................... as Leading Fireman Fred Barrett
Stephen Hawking
.................. as Himself - Host
Adam Savage
...................... as Himself - Host
Eli Roth
......................... as Himself - Host
Carin Chea
....................... as The Receptionist
Natalie Becker
................... as Ariad 1 episode, 2011
Michael Malarkey
................. as Milton Long
Christopher Villiers
............. as J. Bruce Ismay
Chad A. Fehr
..................... as Himself
Ramy Romany
...................... as Himself
Tony Caprari
..................... as Yidini 1 episode, 2011
Russell West
..................... as Resistance B
Scott Barry
...................... as Scott
Ernest Perry
..................... as Resistance Leader 1 episode, 2011
Joel Lambert
..................... as Himself - Search and Rescue
Will Millender
................... as Himself
Todd Bracken
..................... as Himself - Jewler
Stanley Milgram
.................. as Himself
James Fallon
..................... as Himself - UC Irvine
Dennis Rogge
..................... as Himself - Shovel Operator
Jerry Burger
..................... as Himself - Social Psychologist
Andrew Cleland
................... as Himself - Experimental Physicist
Lynne Huskinson
.................. as Herself - Loader Operator
Mitzi Jones
...................... as Elizabeth Dowdell
Joanne Hewett
.................... as Herself - Theoretical Physicist
Dave Olson
....................... as Himself - Mine Geologist
Christian Rodska
................. as Captain Smith
Derek Dennisson
.................. as Himself - Tool Pusher
Andrei Linde
..................... as Himself - Cosmologist
Justin Dee
....................... as Himself - Roughneck
Oscar Pearce
..................... as Quigg Baxter
Kevin Aves
....................... as Himself - Farmer
Fred Lancaster
................... as John 'Jack' Thayer
Nikodem Poplawski
................ as Himself - Cosmologist
Paul Mundell
..................... as Thomas Andrews
David Musre
...................... as Himself - Deckhand
Crew of the Virginia Ingram
...... as Themselves
Don McDaniel
..................... as Himself - Captain
Krisjanis Salmins
................ as Trapped Sailor
Inese Darta Danevica
............. as Bertha Mayne
Al Strandlie
..................... as Himself - Mine Geologist
Anta Aizupe
...................... as Mary Baxter
Jeff Bills
....................... as Himself - Driller
Leonarda Kestere-Klavina
......... as Helene Baxter
Cedric Williams
.................. as Himself - Cast House Supervisor
Steve Gordon
..................... as Himself - Vessel Operator
Paul Hornsby
..................... as Greaser Frank Goree
Rhidian Bridge
................... as Chief Engineer Joseph Bell
Dick Slike
....................... as Himself - Timber Company Manager
Dale Batchelder
.................. as Himself - Equipment Operator
Valters Silis
.................... as Assistant Telegraphist Harold Bride
Ermanis Grinvalds
................ as Telegraphist Jack Phillips
Andrew Ponetcorvo
................ as Himself - Geotechnical Engineer
Viktors Ellers
................... as Lookout Reginald Lee
Scott Thompson
................... as Himself - Construction Executive
Kaspars Karklins
................. as Lookout Fredrick Fleet
Egija Silare
..................... as Amy Stanley
Vilis Daudzins
................... as Officer on the Bridge
Didzis Eglitis
................... as Officer on the Bridge
Kristians Karelins
............... as Officer on the Bridge
Gatis Kruglauzs
.................. as Officer on the Bridge
Martins Liepa
.................... as Crew or Passenger
Varis Klausitajs
................. as Crew or Passenger
Dzintars Belogrudovs
............. as Crew or Passenger
Juris Freidenbergs
............... as Crew or Passenger
Viktors Zarins
................... as Crew or Passenger
Martins Kalita
................... as Crew or Passenger
Elmars Senkovs
................... as Crew or Passenger
Marta Marija Silare
.............. as Crew or Passenger
Imants Strads
.................... as Crew or Passenger
Kaspars Zale
..................... as Crew or Passenger
Janis Reinis
..................... as Crew or Passenger
Dainis Sumiskis
.................. as Crew or Passenger
Janis Gaveika
.................... as Crew or Passenger
Imants Vekmanis
.................. as Crew or Passenger
Janis Elsts
...................... as Crew or Passenger
Karlis Daudzins
.................. as Crew or Passenger
Janeshia Adams-Ginyard
........... as Herself
Bassil Aish
...................... as Himself - Lead, Medical Team
Billy Berger
..................... as
Natascha Borg
.................... as Flight attandant
Brian Burkhardt
.................. as Himself - Stunt Driver
Gene Jarvis
...................... as Survival Participant
Larissa Mooney
................... as Herself - Addiction Specialist
Hakeem Oluseyi
................... as Himself - Astrophysicist
Amy Passantino
................... as Herself
Ernest Perry
..................... as Resistance Leader
Courtney Rice
.................... as Survival Participant
Mason Shieh
...................... as Medical Team
Manu Toigo
....................... as Herself
Robb Wolf
........................ as Himself
Heath Allyn
...................... as Bob Buchanon
Denise S. Anderson
............... as Herself - Panelist
Barney Barnett
................... as Himself - Remote Control Designer
Michael C. Barnette
.............. as Himself - Diver, Association of Underwater Explorers
Tom Barth
........................ as Himself - Phd., Crash Force Expert
David Beardmore
.................. as Himself - Air Crash Survivor
Cynthia Bir
...................... as Herself - Biomechanical Engineer
Kaye Chandler
.................... as Herself - Air Crash Survivor
Joe Citelli
...................... as Himself - Diver, Association of Underwater Explorers
Jerry Dearie
..................... as Himself - Commander, Flight Engineer
Jason Dunion
..................... as Himself - Meteorologist, NOAA
Anne Evans
....................... as Herself - Crash Scene Investigator
Peter B. Field
................... as Himself - Air Crash Investigator
Salvatore Giammanco
.............. as Himself
Dan Grossman
..................... as Himself
John Hansman
..................... as Himself - Professor, Aeronautics MIT
Mike Haycraft
.................... as Himself - Technician
Sigrun Hreinsdottir
.............. as Herself
James Hunting
.................... as Himself - Special Effects Expert
Roger Hyde
....................... as Himself - Ground Safety Team
Carlos Fernadez De Castro Jenkins
as Himself - Air Traffic Controler
Chris Joachims
................... as 337 Chase Plane Pilot
David Jones
...................... as Himself - Ground Safety Team
Dave Kennedy
..................... as Himself - Captain, Chief Test Pilot
Rick LaHusen
..................... as Himself
Geoff Mackley
.................... as Himself
Andrew McGonigle
................. as Himself
Cynthia Meyersburg
............... as Herself - Panelist
Forrest Murray
................... as Himself - Flight Team
Christina Nelson
................. as Herself - panelist
Mark O'Neal
...................... as Himself
Al Osborne
....................... as Himself - Professor, Physics Department, College of William & Mary
Rikke Pedersen
................... as Herself
Edward Rupke
..................... as Himself - Senior Engineer, Lightning Technologies
Matt Saxon
....................... as Himself
Chip Shanle
...................... as Himself - Lt. Commander, Remote Control Pilot
Freysteinn Sigmundsson
........... as Himself
Ken Sims
......................... as Himself
Jimbob Slocum
.................... as Himself - Captain 727 Pilot
Jem Stansfield
................... as Himself
Nick Stevenson
................... as Himself - Air Crash Survivor
Bill Warlick
..................... as Himself - 727 Copilot
Cynthia Werner
................... as Herself
Orion West
....................... as Helmut Lau
Warren Wood
...................... as Himself - Geophysicist
Tizoc Gomez
...................... as Himself
Matt Newland
..................... as Himself
Nick Newland
..................... as Himself
Mike Pitts
....................... as Himself
Rob Roy
.......................... as Himself
Robert Van de Noort
.............. as Himself
Pam Harrison
..................... as Herself
Hadrian Spooner
.................. as Himself - Engineer
Scott Barry
...................... as Scott
Joseph Tornatore
................. as Captain Max Pruss 1 episode, 2012
David M. Kennedy
................. as Himself - Captain, Chief Test Pilot
Brian Burkhardt
.................. as Himself - Stunt Driver
Chris Joachims
................... as 337 Chase Plane Pilot
Troy Forte
....................... as Adam's Friend
............................. as The Dog
Laura Hohman
..................... as Specialist Dallaire
Jim Johnson
...................... as Technical Sergeant Johnson
Andrew Oryan Landa
............... as Helmut 1 episode, 2012
Alex Cejas
....................... as Self - Military Entrepreneur 1 episode, 2011
Isadora Verwey
................... as Bansabira 1 episode, 2011
Craig Barto
...................... as Self - Oil Baron 1 episode, 2011
Al Benedetti
..................... as Self - Blacktop Millionaire 1 episode, 2011
Daniel Blake
..................... as Self - Trash Tycoon 1 episode, 2011
Frank D'Angelo
................... as Self - Scrap Metal Mogul 1 episode, 2011
Patrick Dijusto
.................. as Self - Human Body Valuer 1 episode, 2011
Paul Gaccione
.................... as Self - Manager 1 episode, 2011
Aaron Lepedis
.................... as Self - Garage Sale Millionaire 1 episode, 2011
Lance McAlpine
................... as Self - Water Magnate 1 episode, 2011
Jerry Nelson
..................... as Self - Bucking Bull King 1 episode, 2011
Bob Plath
........................ as Self - Multi - Millionaire Inventor 1 episode, 2011
Matt Snyder
...................... as Self - Big Money Miner 1 episode, 2011
Bill Turner
...................... as Self - Water Broker 1 episode, 2011
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