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Oliver Stones Untold History Of The United States (2012) - TV Show

IMDb Rating: 8.60/10 (avg out of 9515 votes)
Oliver Stones Untold History Of The United States Airs: Monday
Oliver Stones Untold History Of The United States Status: Ended


Series Premiere: November 12, 2012
Classification: Documentary
Genre: Action | Documentary | History | War
Network: Showtime
Airs: Monday at 08:00 pm
Runtime: 60 Minutes


1x1 -- Nov 12, 2012 -- World War II
1x2 -- Nov 19, 2012 -- Roosevelt, Truman & Wallace
1x3 -- Nov 26, 2012 -- The Bomb
1x4 -- Dec 03, 2012 -- The Cold War: 1945-1950
1x5 -- Dec 10, 2012 -- The '50s: Eisenhower, The Bomb & The T
1x6 -- Dec 17, 2012 -- JFK: To the Brink
1x7 -- Dec 24, 2012 -- Johnson, Nixon & Vietnam: Reversal Of
1x8 -- Dec 31, 2012 -- Reagan Gorbachev & Third World-Rise Of
1x9 -- Jan 07, 2013 -- Bush & Clinton: Squandered Peace-New W
1x10 -- Jan 14, 2013 -- Bush & Obama: Age of Terror


Oliver Stones Untold History Of The United States on IMDb
Oliver Stones Untold History Of The United States on TVmaze

Date of last review or update: October 20, 2023

Oliver Stones Untold History Of The United States Cast

Adolf Hitler
............ as Himself - Chancellor of Germany
Albert Einstein
......... as Himself - Physicist
Dwight D. Eisenhower
.... as Himself - Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe
John F. Kennedy
......... as Himself - President of the United States
Harry S. Truman
......... as Himself - President of the United States
Chris Edgerly
........... as
Mikhail Gorbachev
....... as Himself
Jeff Bergman
............ as
Osama bin Laden
......... as Himself
Oliver Stone
............ as Narrator
Eidan Hanzei
............ as Henry Hayashi
Mark Jeffrey Miller
..... as Dwight D. Eisenhower
Mark Ivanir
............. as Nikita Khrushchov
George Bush
............. as Himself
Ronald Reagan
........... as Himself
Greg Berg
............... as Gen. Curtis LeMay
Franklin D. Roosevelt
... as Himself - President of the United States
André Sogliuzzo
........ as
Nancy Reagan
............ as Herself
Eleanor Roosevelt
....... as Herself - First Lady of the United States
Leon Trotsky
............ as Himself - Commissar of Foreign Affairs and War
Chris Cox
............... as
Alex Veadov
............. as
Jack Blessing
........... as
Daniel Hagen
............ as Brzezinski
Alan Shearman
........... as
Tim Russell
............. as JFK, RFK, Alfred McCoy
Jim Ward
................ as
Chris Cox
............... as
Joseph Stalin
........... as Himself - Soviet Union Head of Government
Winston Churchill
....... as Himself - Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Joachim von Ribbentrop
.. as Himself - Foreign Minister of German Affairs
Henry Wallace
........... as Himself - Secretary of Agriculture
Kai-Shek Chiang
......... as Himself - Chairman of the National Government of China
George C. Marshall
...... as Himself - Army Chief of Staff
Robert Oppenheimer
...... as Himself - Manhattan Project Coordinator
Leslie Groves
........... as Himself - Brigadier General, U.S. Army
Benito Mussolini
........ as Himself - Italian Head of Government
Francisco Franco
........ as Himself - Spanish General
Henry Luce
.............. as Himself - Magazine Publisher
Pablo Picasso
........... as Himself - Artist
George S. Patton
........ as Himself - U.S. General
Neville Chamberlain
..... as Himself - Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
Stanislaw Mikolajczyk
... as Himself - Prime Minister of Polish Government in Exile
Édouard Daladier
....... as Himself - Prime Minister of France
Jesse Jones
............. as Himself - Secretary of Commerce
Edwin Pauley
............ as Himself - Treasurer, Democratic National Committee
James F. Byrnes
......... as Himself - Senator, South Carolina
George Washington Carver
as Himself - American Scientist
Madame Chiang
........... as Herself - Wife of Jiang Jieshi
Zedong Mao
.............. as Himself - Chinese Communist Leader
John N. Garner
.......... as Himself - Vice President of the United States
Sidney Hillman
.......... as Himself - Labor Leader
Philip Murray
........... as Himself - Labor Leader
Claude Pepper
........... as Himself - Senator, Florida
Samuel D. Jackson
....... as Himself - Session Chair, Democratic Convention
Elliott Roosevelt
....... as Himself - United States Army Air Force
Cordell Hull
............ as Himself - US Secretary of State
Douglas MacArthur
....... as Himself - Commander, U.S. Army Forces in the Far East
Anthony Eden
............ as Himself - Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs
Chester W. Nimitz
....... as Himself - Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Ronald Scobie
........... as Himself - Lieutenant General, British Army
Fritz Strassmann
........ as Himself - German Physicist
Otto Hahn
............... as Himself - German Physicist
William D. Leahy
........ as Himself - Naval Chief of Staff
Herbert Hoover
.......... as Himself - President of the United States
Leo Szilard
............. as Himself - Physicist
Enrico Fermi
............ as Himself - Physicist
Edward R. Stettinius Jr.
as Himself - Secretary of State
Dean Acheson
............ as Himself - Secretary of State
Robert A. Lovett
........ as Himself - Secretary of Defense
John J. McCloy
.......... as Himself - Assistant Secretary of War
Friedrich Paulus
........ as Himself - German Field Marshall
John Foster Dulles
...... as Himself - Secretary of State
Allen Dulles
............ as Himself - Diplomat
Nelson Rockefeller
...... as Himself - Assistant Secretary of State
Paul H. Nitze
........... as Himself - Secretary of the Navy
Charles Wilson
.......... as Himself - General Motors Executive
Henry L. Stimson
........ as Himself - Secretary of War
Joseph E. Davies
........ as Himself - Diplomat
Michelle Bruce
.......... as
Bill Farmer
............. as
Wael Saleeb El Americany
as Self 1 episode, 2012
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