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IMDb Rating: 7.34/10 (avg out of 3 votes)
TPB AFK Airs: Irregularly
TPB AFK Status: Ended
it’s the day before the trial starts. fredrik packs a computer into a rusty old volvo. along with his pirate bay co-founders, he faces $13 million in damage claims to hollywood in a copyright infringement case. fredrik is on his way to install a new computer in the secret server hall. this is where the world’s largest file sharing site is hidden.

when the hacker prodigy gottfrid, the internet activist peter and the network nerd fredrik are found guilty, they are confronted with the reality of life offline – away from keyboard. but deep down in dark data centres, clandestine computers quietly continue to duplicate files.

the film

tpb afk: the pirate bay away from keyboard

directed by
simon klose

edited by
per k kirkegaard

sound design
morten groth brandt

ola fløttum

graphics by

produced by
martin persson
simon klose
signe byrge sørenssen
anne köhncke

co-produced by
torstein grude

82 min

country of origin

release date
2013 TBA

financed by
svt, nrk, dr, bbc, vpro, arte/zdf, film i skåne, nftf, the swedish film institute, the danish film institute, the norwegian film institute, fritt ord and a swarm of crowdfunding backers.

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