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   Our favourite client has just passed over to the dark side...



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[#7639] Written by: tbl [09/12/2006, 18:52]
Quote by iconoclast
an uneducated guess shatter?
sometime in the not too distant future you will be hooded, bundled into a
black van and beaten to death by fembots with socks filled with pieces of
toblerone. your family pets will undoubtedly be soon to follow suit.
did you know what i did on the weekend.

[#7656] Written by: stdesy [09/12/2006, 21:29]
Quote by gatefan
azureus sucks. slow and crap - whereas utorrent has always been

how exactly does this change effect us?

i don't know what you've been smoking dude, but i've always gotten the same or
better speeds with azureus, and lot better chances of getting a file quickly
even without a tracker than i ever did with utorrent

edit: also, if you can convince me you are able to "feel" your torrent without
reading anything in utorrent, i'll mail you a cnote. with azureus, you could be
totally illiterate with no understanding of numbers at all, and you'll be able
to tell what the hell is going on with your download better than someone with
any other client i've seen.
[#7669] Written by: ABennett [09/12/2006, 23:34]
let's not have this turn into another 'your client sucks' thread. please keep
the discussion to the news of the takeover or specific discussion of client
features and faults.
[#7673] Written by: stiffmaster [09/12/2006, 23:46]
paranoia is not becoming of you... all of you..

don't forget to put tinfoil in your hats..
[#7699] Written by: PokerDonk [10/12/2006, 09:08]
Quote by stiffmaster
paranoia is not becoming of you... all of you..

don't forget to put tinfoil in your hats..

does it help with the d/l speed?

[#7761] Written by: Supersye [10/12/2006, 21:41]
so i have read all the post in this slot.
i'm using u-torrent 1.6.1 beta at the moment.
is it safe to use or is it the next non-beta release you meen.
or is it all the u-torrent versions that may now be unsafe to use.

i only have a (p4 1.7 gig) and u-torrent lets me do other things without
slowing the machine down to much.

so if you know would you please let use all know.
menny thanks for your time and if i find out anything i will let you all know.

bye for now (si)(uk) :-)
[#7827] Written by: vibe666 [11/12/2006, 02:03]
i've been there and back with every torrent client since i first discovered
bittorrents back when kazaa (eeew) was king and everyone and their granny could
download what they wanted without fear of being beaten and tortured by the mpaa
and i always used to have problems with az hogging resources, but since i last
tried it its been fine on my pc, not anything like it used to be.

utorrent flipping is a bad thing, but as with everything else there will be
something to fill the gap, it's just a shame that one of the biggest was one of
the first to fall.

r.i.p. utorrent, you'll be sadly missed by all.
[#8246] Written by: tbl [13/12/2006, 02:33]
the dark side is hard to resist, so is money.
[#15694] Written by: Trekhippy [09/02/2007, 15:45]
recently, i read this on another site "...recommend that you avoid the
following clients:

* utorrent
* azerus

these clients do not report correctly to the tracker when canceling/finishing a
torrent session. if you use them then a few mb may not be counted towards the
stats near the end, and torrents may still be listed in your profile for some
time after you have closed the client.

also, clients in alpha or beta version should be avoided."

i don't really know much about all this, but i have used bittornado for years
now with no trouble at all. not a resource hog, does not come with spyware or
adaware when you get it from their own website. good control over which files
you want to download now, later, or never and an external announce/manual
annouce option. only thing missing is dht which i don't know what the heck that
is but it does not seem to keep me from downloading or seeding just fine.
[#15703] Written by: [09/02/2007, 18:03]
i'v been using u torrent for about 4 months....great....it's the best thing
sence ice-cream....never had any problems.
as for the u torrent update coming soon, i will not do it. i say stick with the
current version, and have fun downloading.
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