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[#125719] Written by: DaveDiablo [31/12/2009, 02:32]
actuaaly there is evidence to support my case check out the sgusucks.com website, it turns out that
a so called independant sc fi website is run by an mgm exec in addition evidence about the nobbling

[#125731] Written by: DigiFluid [31/12/2009, 10:54]
Quote by davediablo
actuaaly there is evidence to support my case check out the sgusucks.com
, it turns out that
a so called independant sc fi website is run by an mgm exec in addition evidence about the nobbling


yes, that's a totally reliable, reasonable, and unbiased source of information.

[#125740] Written by: ZapperZ [31/12/2009, 17:21]
actual the complaint is quite valid. anyone that used to go the the bsg forums on scifi knows darn
well how often they would shut down and remove threads dealing with ratings. as soon as someone
would point out how the numbers the channel used were manipulated the moderators would either lock
the thread, delete it entirely, or remove the posts claiming they weren't consistent with their policy.

scifi has a history of padding its numbers for press releases by spinning how they are used.
[#125750] Written by: xcel423 [31/12/2009, 22:16]
im sorry dave, but im going to have to agree with digi on..well..pretty much everything writtin on
this topic by digi..lol...

now giving the benefit of a doubt...i can understand that on their own boards (syfy's) that there is
a little censorship taking place, but what you suggest is simply ridiculous and bordering on paranoia,,,

im not even going to bother looking up "sgusucks.com" because just the name of the site is
repulsive, because we all know it should be sgurulesthemall.com ..
[#125751] Written by: ZapperZ [31/12/2009, 23:10]
Quote by digifluid
yes, that's a totally reliable, reasonable, and unbiased source of information.


as if to say that syfy news releases and syfy discussion forums are not biased. snort

[#125813] Written by: xcel423 [01/01/2010, 16:59]
Quote by zapperz
Quote by digifluid
yes, that's a totally reliable, reasonable, and unbiased source of


as if to say that syfy news releases and syfy discussion forums are not biased. snort

i didnt get that at all from that, digi, is that what you were saying??...

what i thought digi was saying was "sgusucks.com is nothing more than a joke... said nothing about
syfy, that i could see anyway...
[#125886] Written by: jaluca [03/01/2010, 10:04]
the only reason this show is a hit is thatit has nothing to compete with. atlantis started while sg-1 was
still running. also, universe is styled after both stargate and battle star gallactica. it's filling the void
both shows' ends left.
[#125906] Written by: xcel423 [03/01/2010, 21:04]
everybody is entitled to their opinion, even "mods" santa...lol

my own differs from yours, as do many...does that make yours wrong? not at all

does that make mine wrong - not in the least...

different opinions is what makes it interesting, without them, everything would be as you put it
(twice now) "a steaming pile of______"
my point, i think most of us caught it the first time around...
[#125955] Written by: PADDDDDDDDY [04/01/2010, 14:39]
if its failing why is it doing so well in the ratings? i'm pretty sure rebranded or not if someone
doesn't like a show on syfy they aren't going to continue to watch it. i've been a stargate fan from
the very
beginning and while i do agree with a lot of things you said about the show i still really like it.
i'm hoping when it comes back with rush trapped on that planet it might take the time to establish
his back story a bit but i'm not getting my hopes up. i think its a good show with the potential to
grow, if they can establish some of the characters a bit more i think it could be amazing rather
than just good. i think its far better than atlantis which just to me seemed to have a few
characters that were just poor versions of sg1 characters.

i know your a mod and you seem to think that gives you the entitlement that your opinions are
somehow more important than other peoples but i'm a stargate fan and i like it and plenty of others
do so you not liking it isn't going to change anyone's mind.
[#125967] Written by: PADDDDDDDDY [04/01/2010, 20:17]
you still really don't get the point. these are all just your opinions. you're obviously not doing
too well writing sci fi for tv for a living if you have the time and the need to try and force your
opinions onto everyone else. some of us really like the show. for those that don't that's fine but
its not fact that a show is bad just because you think so or because you apparently write sci fi for
tv. if anything that would make your opinions more cynical rather than more accurate.
[#125974] Written by: PADDDDDDDDY [04/01/2010, 21:12]
and what's all this rubbish about demanding respect because you're a mod? that's utter crap.

santabj: if you say so. *looks at his big red button*

the rules are rather clear on that point. respect the admins.
[#126002] Written by: osh [05/01/2010, 08:06]
my exact same reaction i think the viewing figures where fixed lol..personally im only watching
because of the stargate name if sga or sg1 had not come before it then i think this would have bit
the dust a few eps ago.. it might get a bit better now that rush is off the ship and has to get back
someway. i know there was some far fetched ideas and plots in the other two but for rush to get back
must be the wildest and most wackiest ???? andy
[#126040] Written by: highlander888 [05/01/2010, 15:57]
why are they comparing results season *1* sgu with season *5* sga???

please compare apples with apples.
what are the results compared with season *1* sgu to season *1* sga?
i'm willing to bet sga will win hands down.

[#126119] Written by: xcel423 [06/01/2010, 15:09]
Quote by santabj

i'll end with a point i put in my first post. the show is not good, but it has potential. i just
don't want to
see it waste that potential.

now there ya go santa, of course the entire reply was definitely better reading than "a steaming
pile of____" ever was!

i only quoted the very last line because for me it was the most significant and probably the most
overlooked by others. although i think the show *is good, i can agree it has got the potential to be
so much more...

i can understand pretty much everything that you point out, i dont agree with everything, but i can
understand why you would feel the way you do about sgu.

one thing i do have to agree with 100% is that the show is taking to long to develop, but it *is
developing, so a little more patience i think is all thats required for that.
yes, there are a couple characters i dont care for, rush is definitely one of them, but these things
are being addressed , you have got to lighten up a little and give the show a chance, thats all.

in one of your replies i got the feeling you believe that because a person likes sgu that they could
not possibly be a true fan of sg1, or sga, i think that assumption wrong. i am a huge fan of sg1, i
own all the dvd boxed season sets and i watched the show religiously when it aired... atlantis, i
personally did not think was as good as sg1, dont get me wrong, sga had a few great sl's and decent
seasons but it just never packed the same punch as sg1 did, for me anyway...

i dont know if anyone would remember, it was probably 40 years ago, there was a tv show that was
very similar sl-wise to sgu, it was called "the ark" it didnt run for very long, possibly due to the
cost of producing it, from what i remember it was an excellent show with the same base storyline as sgu.
if you write sci-fi for tv you probably have certain resources that will allow you to find
information about that show....look it up and see what you think of it...
[#126209] Written by: DigiFluid [08/01/2010, 05:54]
Quote by santabj
i've yet to meet a single stargate fan who genuinely enjoys the show - and i know quite a

*raises hand*
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