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[#9651] Written by: Krypto [22/12/2006, 23:08]
i don't normally bother pointing out little things like this.. but this
particular one is way off the mark:

ice truck killer.... not icepick..

he didn't kill anybody with an icepick... big difference there.
[#9688] Written by: iconoclast [23/12/2006, 10:48]
uh, yeah, sure, that's what i meant, it's short for ice pick-up truck killer.

if we're going to be ferreting out every small error, technically he didn't
kill anyone with an ice truck either otherwise he'd be up for dangerous
driving charges. should really be called the upside-down-slit-your-throat-and-
chop-you-up killer. i think icepick is far more pithy.

but your right, i was way off the mark, corporal penance shall be required.
[#10237] Written by: rom1rapunzel [02/01/2007, 09:08]
yeah i had also that luck!
good to be na
[#10256] Written by: applesauce49 [02/01/2007, 14:40]
i downloaded an html version of both books recently (as well as audiobook versions) and just finished the
first and am about half way through the second.

i have to say the show develops the characters much more than the book, but overall the book follows the
same story arc as the show. trying not to spoil for anyone who wants to read it, i can say that the twist is
a little different and someone dies in the book who doesn't in the show.
[#10609] Written by: bugchicklv [06/01/2007, 02:08]
Quote by touchmymully

question: if anyone has read the books? there are two dexter books out, i know
the series is \"based on\" the first book.
i\'m wondering how close is \"based on\" and if they are worth picking up?

almost done with the first one, and right off the bat i can tell you that there
are some differences you have to get over (mainly nitpicky details and minor
character changes that would only bother someone who thinks the show and book
should be the same). some characters are more fleshed out in the show which,
since it is character driven, means i like it more--something you have to expect
when expanding a book that has taken me about 3 hours to read into a show that\'s
almost 13 hours.

on the other hand, the action and scenery are more visceral than they are in the
show. i like the way things are described in such rich detail, and how you get
a feeling that the city of miami is almost a character in its own right
(something i think tptb on the show were trying for, but never quite achieved).

at any rate, the writer is funny as hell without even trying to be. not that
the book is supposed to be funny--just that some of his phrasing jumps off the
page at you, and is laugh out loud funny.

imho, reading the book is well worth the time spent if you really like dexter.
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