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SargentTbag Posted at 02/05/2012, 07:09
ew thats what they get for being on mac always thought m$ were the tyrants till i tried a mac...
MrTorrent Posted at 16/05/2012, 01:22
any news on the release of the new website and the promised eztv api for developers ?
vwdubb Posted at 15/07/2012, 15:15
i am willing to upload as much as need be but only have 2 mbit upload. also, i would like to
add/upload ice road truckers.

let me know if i can be of help.
plate Posted at 31/08/2012, 13:25
how about support for a smartphone plugin, allowing you to easly klick on the torrent you want to
download (just the torrent) from your "my page" that later upploads into a dropboxfolder or somthing

your torrent client at home will then search for any torrents in this folder and start to download any
they find.

im guessing an normal automatic sync would work when every you come home tho, but then the
download dont start direclty
plipolip Posted at 02/09/2012, 16:11
before the redesign, could we have a small magnet link on the my page ? it's already on the series page,
so it shouldn't be complicated. would save loads of cleaning up .torrents of thousands of people, so really
instead of cleaning up torrents they might do something like watch shows or have babies !

thanks for a great great site anyway!
Mr Camouflage Posted at 30/10/2012, 08:35
feature request: when you are viewing a show page, eg: http://eztv.it/shows/23/the-big-bang-theory/

would it be possible to add the show name to the html head title attribute?

i tend to have a lot of tabs open and they all say eztv, unlike the episode page which has the episode
name in the page title, eg: http://eztv.it/ep/38991/the-big-bang-theory-s06e05-hdtv-x264-lol/

thanks for all the good work :d
plipolip Posted at 05/12/2012, 13:27
thank you so much for implementing this !
madds Posted at 14/01/2013, 21:03
eztv is far the best tv site, and i have checked a few..keep up the good work..we love you in australia
cheffie Posted at 27/01/2013, 16:57
have read a heap of positive stuff here have been a big fan of this site for years
now i must ask does anyone know how to get rid of google think it keep redirecting me to my space
search when i click on a link if that link goes to a show stored on pirate bay? get site not found
messages or it goes to some other place google trying to take over the web or what? any help as not a
puter guy pm me what ever
cheffie Posted at 28/01/2013, 21:50
found this interesting why keep putting up links to pirate bay if can axcess it??
google is taking over theplanet by not alowing my puter to findsome sites?
thoughts please ??
if you sketchily poked on over to the pirate bay to do a little downloading of a legal, quasi-legal, or
outright illegal nature recently, you may have noticed you can't get through. no, your isp hasn't started
blocking it; it's down for everyone, everywhere. proxies too.

it's not uncommon for the pirate bay (or any site really) to have a spell of downtime now and then, but
considering all the enemies the bay has, there's always that lingering question: "is this the time it
doesn't come back?" so far the pirate bay admins haven't weighed in on a cause, but it's probably just
a glitch, but you never know with these things
JOHNPW51 Posted at 04/03/2013, 14:14
what does "pending" mean as apposed to "on break". question: should this be
dropped from this website if they mean the same thing.
MrTorrent Posted at 04/03/2013, 15:24
pending means : the show is on a break, but no return date is known.
on break: the show is on a break, but the return date is known.

so a show will go from airing to pending to on break, and so on.
BoonesFerry Posted at 04/03/2013, 16:19

this is the criteria i use for setting/changing a show's status...

airing: a season is in process and has remaining episodes for that season.

break: i use this status when a show has completed airing it's season and has been renewed for
another season (break between seasons, with known or unknown return date). also used when there is
no new episoded for the week and there are episode remaining in that season (short breaks & longer
mid-season breaks...whether the return date is known or unknown).

(note: i'm considering changing this one in the future (but not now) to only when between seasons,
because keeping track of hundreds of one-or-two week show breaks is very time consuming)

pending: a season has completed airing and it's unknown if the show will be renewed or ended.
if it is renewed then the status is changed to 'break' (between season) and if it is canceled, ended, or
not renewed then the status is changed to 'ended'.

ended: canceled, ended, or not renewed

fatguy69 Posted at 16/03/2013, 17:09
i have tried to follow this development but must admit to human error ... i am curious as to the
further development of this site. i am not one well versed in website design but know what i
like and i do like this site cause of its simplistic design and how it works.
how is the work coming along?
buzzardt Posted at 25/03/2013, 21:40
try using tor. google and firefox has been blocking me. plus you are not giving out your real ip.
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