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jer_sey Posted at 30/03/2013, 20:55
ditto on the keep "the kiss approach." alot of times the new and improved suckz
MrTorrent Posted at 14/06/2013, 15:32
novaking, more than 2 years have passed.

what is the status of the new site ?
what is the status of the eztv developers api ?
go or no go ?
NovaKing (Administrator) Posted at 04/07/2013, 07:07
it is a go. things have just been hectic for me.

rest assured it is still being worked on.
MrTorrent Posted at 04/07/2013, 13:26
good to hear and thanks for the update.
tomjonesca Posted at 11/07/2013, 05:32

off topic post removed [bf]

please use the show request forum:

mmnMoreno Posted at 04/08/2013, 21:21
who do i talk to re wanting to be a seeder for eztv.
BoonesFerry Posted at 04/08/2013, 22:47

Quote by mmnmoreno
who do i talk to re wanting to be a seeder for eztv.

as stated on the home page:

"do you want to help seed? we are always looking for new seeders who can sustain 10mbit and/or
higher upload speeds! if you think you would be able to help seed at least five new torrents a day, likes
the thought of receiving the shows before everyone else while giving back to the community, and have
some free time - please stop by our irc channel and contact an op."


lmc Posted at 04/09/2013, 19:50
i agree with keeping the usability simple - basically - the same. i do like the idea about creating a series
of specific colors (even color patterns) or picture backgrounds that could be uploaded from the user's own
photo collection for the outer backdrop that these screens set upon. it would be nice to be able to select a
lucious set of colors such as dusty rose, outlined/framed by a mutted chartrues (1950's type of green -
mostly green or yellow or gold added to it). then having the titled with a deep, rich 'new times roman'.

it would be nice to be able to peronalize my home page spot. i am able to due this with so many sites that
i am currently utilized, it seems odd that this isn't an option on one of my favorite site!

additioonal and beneficial imdb info that is currently on the information page at this site 'www.yifi-
torrents.com'. to see the link in this use, go the detailed or additional information page.ht hand
in the upper right hand corner of the movie detailed information page
maggypat Posted at 15/09/2013, 23:21
no please leave what is perfect alone. why try and fix what is not broken. don't worry if there is a problem
developing, we loyal fans will come up with a solution.
denisps Posted at 14/11/2013, 22:32
i like current design too. i like that it's clean, simple and light weight, no heavy animations or

maybe just a few things would be good to add, but please, no radical redesign:
- sort shows by number of people favorited it. as nobody uses the rating feature.
- option to see new episodes only for the shows i favorited.
- float the download buttons under the name on a small screen. simple "float: right" would work.
- thumbnails in a show list. might be heavy on the server though unless they are pulled from
external source like imdb.
- similar/recommended shows would probably be hard to implement, but it would boost the seo
rating by increasing the amount of internal back links.

if needed, i can help with the above, except the "similar/recommended shows" feature.
it a great website, thank you.
jlmeyer01 Posted at 22/11/2013, 11:30
i am starting my own social media site using elgg (elgg.org) and would like to host tv shows and would
like to know how you get yours?

do you have users that upload them every night or something along those lines?

if you can, please tell me how to setup a eztv site or usergroup on my site, as i rely on eztv on a daily
basis and would hate to see anything happen to it, so i fiqure i could be a backup copy of sorts of eztv :-)
ck666 Posted at 14/01/2014, 15:38
first time posting on the forum. i was wondering on which threads or topics i could let you guys who
run the site know about a certain file having a tracker on it.

josueadelima Posted at 23/03/2014, 17:30
hi, i been using this site for years and i is awesome, so continue with this is great.

about the new design i think that there are things that can be improved in terms of design and usabilty.
so i have a few recommendations for now:

1.- i don't know if this applies for all the users but in my case i always enter eztv.it an then click on my
page, i think that the home page should display my show list at least.

2.- i belive that a lot of users click on the watched link, i think that the behavior of this action should be
replaced with ajax not a full load/request of the page, it will be more comfortable for users just click on
the link an then via js do the request and dessapear the row. (this maybe help with a little of bandwith

3.- think in this scenario: i decide today to start watching greys antomy so i add the show to my show
list, my page will grow a lot because the new content of grey's anatomy, i think for every show there
has to be displayed not more than 10 rows or entire season links starting on the last watched episode.
and a load more button should be included for the people who want to load more episodes. there is
some usability issues with this, in the case i want to start the show on the 4 season but i think we can
improve this by doing some tests.

4.- compress your css.

5.- use newer techniques on your layout build more css less tables.

i will try to send you a desing (yours is reallly great) but i think that we should have access to some info
like users flow from google anlytics to see if there are something to improve in therms of usage that
should be include in the new design.

sorry for my english im from mexico.
NomadX Posted at 25/03/2014, 01:59
i like it just fine too.. but if your looking to change it a bit do the exact same theme, just not
fixed width... and let us choose the colors.... tho the colors are fine...

i hope tho, that one of the new features is checkbox style for the 'watched' list so we can flag
individual episodes as watched in bulk... would help a great deal when you watch half a season of
something on tv before adding it here

keep up the great work!
wenpigsfly Posted at 31/03/2014, 19:14
just wondering if there is a reason that most of the shows are being uploaded a day after they say they air
its has been happening for 2 weeks now so thought i would ask. this is a great site and i am very thankful
for all your uploads thanks
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